

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科




長谷川 剛  [教授] 顔写真(長谷川剛)
e-mail mail_hasegawa
homepage https://thasega.w.waseda.jp/
専門分野 物性物理学
1985年 東京工業大学理学部物理学科卒業
1987年 東京工業大学大学院修士課程修了
1987-1999年 日立製作所中央研究所
1996年 博士(理学)東京工業大学
1999-2002年 理化学研究所
2002-2015年 物質・材料研究機構
2007年 文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(研究部門)
2015年 早稲田大学理工学術院 教授








Tsuyoshi Hasegawa [Professor] 顔写真(長谷川剛)
e-mail mail_hasegawa
homepage https://thasega.w.waseda.jp/
research field Nano-science, Nano-electronics, Surface physics
research keywords
Atomic switch
Solid-state ionics
Scanning probe microscopy
Electrochemical reaction
Fascinated by the World of Atoms

The same carbon atoms can be diamond or graphite depending on how they are arranged in space; the area of research that we pursue is in such a world of wonder. My research began with the graduation research to study the arrangement of atoms on material surfaces with the use of a high-resolution electron microscope. While most materials are composed of atoms in a perfect array, there are cases where atomic arrangements are observed on the surface that are different from those inside the material.


‘Atom manipulation’, which is now considered to be relatively easy to do, was a challenging research subject those days. Fig. 1 shows letters written by removing sulfur atoms from the surface of molybdenum disulfide. I worked on such tasks while I was with the Hitachi Central Research Laboratory. Hitachi values fundamental research, and I am grateful to the company for its extreme generosity.

Now my major research subjects cover clarification of phenomena on the atomic and molecular scale, and applications to devices, including the development of a new nanodevice ‘Atomic Switch’ using the transfer of atoms. I have been continuously engaged in research of ‘Observation of Atoms’, ’Manipulation of Atoms’ and ‘Utilization of Atoms’. Part of the resulting research results are in the process of being utilized for product commercialization for enterprises. All the research results were obtained with the use of uniquely developed equipment, which is required in order to pursue cutting-edge research. The conduct of research refers to reducing the number of black boxes (unknowns) one by one. So far as equipment goes, it is desirable that you should know it well enough to repair yourself, as well as understanding its principles.

We welcome students and young scientists who want to enter the nano-world.
