

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科




木下 一彦 [教授]
homepage http://www.k2.phys.waseda.ac.jp
専門分野 生物物理学






Kazuhiko Jr Kinoshita [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.k2.phys.waseda.ac.jp
research field Single-molecule physiology: How protein machines may work
research keywords
Seeing-is-understanding type single-molecule physiology
Mechanism of rotary molecular motor/generator F1-ATPase
Mechanisms of linear molecular motors

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Single-molecule physiology: How protein machines may work

A single molecule of a protein (or RNA) enzyme acts as a machine that carries out a unique function in cellular activities. These molecular machines, unlike man-made machines, operate stochastically and thus cannot be synchronized with each other.

To elucidate their mechanisms, therefore, one needs to observe closely the behaviors of individual molecules. Our preference is to attach to the nanometer-sized molecular machines a probe that is huge compared to the machine size, such as a micron-sized plastic bead. Watching the motion of a huge probe is easy, allowing seeing-is-understanding type experiments under an optical microscope. For example, that F1-ATPase is a rotary molecular motor was convincingly demonstrated through the rotary motion of a micron-long actin filament attached to the putative rotor subunit (image below) [Nature 386 (1997) 299-302]. A huge probe also serves as a handle for manipulation, with optical or magnetic tweezers.
We have been able to show that F1-ATPase rotates in steps of 80°and 40°[Nature 410 (2001) 898-904] and how these steps are driven by the chemical reactions (ATP hydrolysis) in three catalytic sites in the stator portion [Cell 130 (2007) 309-321]. F1 is a powerful motor with energy-conversion efficiency possibly approaching 100% [Cell 93 (1998) 1117-1124]. When we forcibly let this motor rotate in reverse with magnetic tweezers, it synthesized ATP, showing that F1 is a completely reversible molecular machine [Nature 427 (2004) 465-468]. An astonishing puzzle, yet unsolved, is that rotation of F1 does not require its axle [Science 319 (2008) 955-958].
RNA polymerase, a machine that reads the genetic codes on DNA, has been shown to spiral around the double helix of DNA, like a nut on a bolt [Nature 409 (2001) 113-115]. In contrast, a linear molecular motor myosin V proceeds in a left-handed spiral around the right-handed helix of actin, indicating that it ‘walks’ with discrete steps, rather than slides, along actin [Nat. Struct. Biol. 9 (2002), 464-467]. It does walk, but, unlike a human, a lifted leg is swirled in all directions by Brownian motion, implying that the leg-leg junction is a completely free joint [Science 316 (2007) 1208-1212]. A fun game has been to tie a knot in DNA with optical tweezers [Nature 399 (1999) 446-448].
Our primary interest has been on chemo-mechanical energy converters that use the free energy of nucleotide hydrolysis to drive mechanical motion. We aim at presenting general principle(s) of operation for these machines. Best understood is the F1-ATPase, which seems to work by a series of induced fit and induced ‘unfit,’ or conformational changes accompanying substrate binding and product release. Conversely, the conformational changes, driven thermally or by an external force, modulate the affinity for substrates and products. The interplay between conformation and affinity changes is the key for chemo-mechanical coupling and, in F1-ATPase, for the reverse process of mechano-chemical coupling.

研究内容ダミー1F1-ATPase, a part of the enzyme ATP synthase, consists of six stator subunits (green and blue) and a central rotor subunit (orange). Its rotation, powered by ATP hydrolysis, has been videotaped under an optical microscope by attaching a long actin filament (red; actual length far exceeds the image size) to the rotor through streptavidin (purple).
