

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科




中里 弘道 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.hep.phys.waseda.ac.jp/index-j.html
専門分野 量子力学基礎論、素粒子理論






Hiromichi Nakazato [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.hep.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
research field Theoretical study of quantum dynamics and its applications
research keywords
Quantum dynamics
Quantum-classical border
Quantum field theories

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Theoretical study of quantum dynamics and its applications

Since its advent more than 80 years ago, quantum theory, which describes behavior in the microscopic world from molecules and atoms down to elementary particles, has solidified its status as one of the most successful theories in modern physics. Although its validity has been confirmed in many fields in physics to an unprecedented degree of precision, quantum theory has been plagued since its birth with certain fundamental issues, which remain unresolved due to the difficulty of achieving experimental counterproof. Recent technological advances have dramatically altered this landscape, allowing the examination of such issues in laboratory experiments. To date, no results that contradict quantum theory have been reported. Moreover, new ideas based on the very fundamental rules of quantum theory (e.g., the superposition principle) have emerged and are being applied in the laboratory in real-world physical systems.
At the same time, these technological innovations have forced major reappraisals of physical processes. For example, an ideal system consisting of an isolated atom cannot in fact exist in the real world. At all times, we must account for the environment, or external agency, including the act of measurement, with which quantum systems are unavoidably implicated. The environment affects dynamics and causes phenomena like dephasing and/or dissipation resulting in loss of quantum coherence (decoherence), a key issue in quantum information and technologies for which the preservation of quantum coherence is crucial. A correct understanding of quantum processes is essential to realizing real-world applications of the ideas proposed in association with such fascinating keywords as quantum computers and quantum cryptography; these applications must be realized as real physical processes in the laboratory, not as mathematical formulas on paper.
Our research explores the dynamics of quantum systems under the influence of the environment, first by treating the whole system composed of the quantum system and its environment as a closed quantum system, then by tracing the environmental degrees of freedom. The resulting dynamics is no longer unitary and would lead to decoherence in the quantum system. Understanding the associated mechanisms and finding possible ways to avoid decoherence are key issues related to the primary subjects of our current research. These issues have deep connections to profound and interesting questions, including where or how the border between quantum and classical worlds can be defined and when classical rules predominate over quantum rules. These questions also fall within the scope of our research efforts, and we study the transitions between different theoretical frameworks (e.g., classical or quantum, particle or field), seeking a deeper understanding of the meaning of quantization or devising novel methods of quantization.
