

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科





片岡 淳  [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.spxg-lab.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
専門分野  放射線応用物理学研究
1995 年 東京大学理学部物理学科卒業
2000 年 東京大学大学院理学系研究科博士課程修了 理学博士 (東京大学)
2000―2001 年 京都大学理学研究科・学振PD
2001 年 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科・助手
2007 年 東京工業大学大学院理工学研究科・助教
2009 年 早稲田大学理工学部・准教授
2014 年 早稲田大学理工学部・教授

は100 万分の1ミリ)の限られた帯域の光です。太陽などの恒星は可視で明るい天体ですが、これより5桁も10 桁も波長が短い(エネルギーが高い)X線やガンマ線でも明るく輝く「謎の」天体たちがいます。
大気に遮られ地上からは見えませんが、衛星や気球を用いれば、激動する宇宙の「生」の姿を捉えることができます。我々の研究室では、2008 年に打ち上げられたフェルミ・ガンマ線宇宙望遠鏡と日本の“すざく” 衛星を駆使した最先端の高エネルギー宇宙観測をおこない、また次期X 線天文衛星Astro-H の装置開発をJAXA、東工大、広島大などと協力しながら進めています。


宇宙に限らず、レントゲン写真や空港の手荷物検査、放射線診断や治療など、日常生活でもX 線・ガンマ線が大きな貢献をしていることをご存知でしょうか?これら最先端の放射線検出器を社会に還元し、より良い人間生活のお役に立てたい、それが我々の次なる願いです。新しい光センサーとして内部増幅機能を持つシリコン半導体素子(APD/MPPC) の開発をすすめ、この分野では世界のトップレベルにあると自負しています。とくに、PET(陽電子断層撮影)と呼ばれるガン診断装置では、従来品より5~ 10 倍も解像度の良い、究極のガンマ線カメラ・ユニットの製作に成功しました。最近では、医療系だけでなく量子情報通信に用いる高感度光センサーの開発などにも着手しています。



Jun Kataoka [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.spxg-lab.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
research field Gamma-ray astronomy, radiological physics, and technology
research keywords
Gamma-ray astronomy
Radiation detector
Medical imaging

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Gamma-ray astronomy, radiological physics, and technology


Novel semiconductor devices that offer internal multiplication have recently entered wide use in the areas of particle physics, space science, nuclear medicine, and information engineering. We are, in particular, currently developing various photo-detectors, avalanche photodiodes (APDs), and multi-pixel photo-counters (MPPCs) for future applications in medical imaging and space satellite missions. The recent emergence of dual-mobility PET/CT imaging has profoundly affected clinical diagnoses in radiology, oncology, and other areas of nuclear medicine. However, CT exhibits poor soft-tissue contrast and exposes the patient to significant radiation doses that exceed those experienced with PET. The APD is a compact, high-performance light sensor that can be used in MRI-PET to provide ultimate sub-mm spatial resolutions. The very rapid response of MPPC devices will enable future PET detectors with time-of-flight (TOF) capabilities. We are also developing versatile APD- or MPPC-based PET modules for future applications in high-resolution, high-speed medical imaging. APD devices will also be used in the next Japanese X-ray astronomy satellite mission, Astro-H, currently slated for launch in 2013.
A subsequent research topic will involve the study of high-energy phenomena in the universe, including active galactic nuclei (AGNs), binary black-holes, neutron stars, supernova remnants, and gamma-ray bursts. Various modern astronomy satellites are currently used for this research, including the Fermi Gamma-ray Space Telescope (FGST; formerly known as GLAST), Chandra, XMM-Newton, and Suzaku. The successful launch of FGST will provide new opportunities to study gamma-ray emissions from various radio galaxies and galaxy clusters with unprecedented sensitivity. As a full partner of FGST, we currently take the lead for the AGN team in the areas of data analysis, calibration, operations, and software development. In one example, we recently reported on the discovery of a new type of gamma-ray galaxy; this can be found on the NASA website under the title “NASA’s Fermi Finds Gamma-ray Surprises.”(
http://www.nasa.gov/mission_pages/GLAST/news/galaxy_surprise.html)We are also active in analyzing Suzaku data. Recent interests include the unique identification of unidentified Fermi objects (UFOs) as potential “dark accelerators” in the universe.研究内容ダミー1

Gamma-ray radio galaxy NGC 1275 discovered using the Fermi gamma-ray space telescope




大谷 光春 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/otani/index-j.html
専門分野 非線形関数解析学研究
1973 年 早稲田大学応用物理学科卒業
1978 年 東京大学大学院理学系研究科博士課程修了
1978 年 理学博士(東京大学)
1981 年 東海大学理学部数学科助教授
1990 年 東海大学理学部数学科教授
1990 年 早稲田大学理工学部教授



無限次元の世界においては、有限次元における解析学と同様な多くの事実が成り立つと同時に、有限次元の常識では考えられない不思議なことも多く起こります。たとえば無限次元ヒルベルト空間においては、ベクトル列の収束(ベクトル列が、あるベクトルに近づいていくこと)に関して、強収束と弱収束という2 種類の定義ができますが、有限次元の場合、これらは同等な性質となってしまいます。さらに、有限次元空間においては、あるベクトル列が、長さを1に保ちながら0ベクトルに収束することは不可能ですが、無限次元空間ヒルベルト空間における弱収束の世界では、これが可能になります。



あなたも、私たちと一緒に無限次元空間を変分法というコンパス( 羅針盤) をもって探検してみませんか?





Mitsuharu Otani [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/otani/index-j.html
research field Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its applications to nonlinear PDEs
research keywords
Functional Analysis
Nonlinear PDEs
Nonlinear Evolution Equations
Variational Method

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Nonlinear Functional Analysis and its applications to nonlinear PDEs


Nonlinear Partial Differential Equations: Differential Equations are the language in which the laws of nature are expressed. Understanding properties of solutions for differential equations is fundamental to much of contemporary science and engineering. Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) deal with functions of one variable, which can often be thought of as time. On the other hand, Partial Differential Equations (PDEs) deal with functions of several variables (of space and time). Most fundamental laws in physics are expressed in terms of Nonlinear PDEs, where the nonlinearity means that the sum of two solutions of the equations could not be a solution anymore, in other words, the principle of the superposition does not hold.

Evolution Equations: A function u(x,t) solving PDEs with time evolution depends on several variables, i.e., “x” for space and “t” for time. However, we can regard u(x,t) as a function u(t) of one variable “t” with value of u( ,t), which would lie in an infinite dimensional space X.
In this way, PDEs with time evolution can be reduced to ODEs in infinite dimensional spaces.
In fact, Heat Equations, Wave Equations, Schrodinger Equations, and many other important PDEs in physics and engineering can be written in abstract ODEs of the form: (E) du(t)/dt + Au(t) =0 in appropriate spaces X, called Banach spaces, and with operators A which work on X. In order to analyze this type of ODE, we must develop the theory of ODEs in Banach spaces, which is called the “Theory of Evolution Equations.” For this purpose, we need knowledge related to calculus in infinite dimensional spaces, called “Functional Analysis.”

Nonlinear Functional Analysis: Some important Nonlinear PDEs such as “Porous Medium Equations” (equations describing the diffusion process through porous mediums) are formulated as (E) by choosing suitable nonlinear operators A. In order to treat these cases, the theories of Nonlinear Evolution Equations and Nonlinear Functional Analysis are needed. Among them, the Nonlinear Semi-group Theory, which was initiated and developed by Japanese mathematicians, provides a remarkable tool. In particular, this theory reflecting the variational structure, called the subdifferential operator theory, which deals with the case where A is given as the functional derivative  f(u) of convex functional f(u), is a most successful one for applications to Nonlinear PDEs. However, these theories work only for dissipative systems, whose energy is a monotone decreasing in time t, but cannot cover non-dissipative systems such as Navier-Stokes Equations, which is the fundamental equation in fluid dynamics.
We have been developing the perturbation theory for subdifferential operators, aiming at its application for not only Navier-Stokes-type equations but also for a wider class of non-dissipative PDEs systems including Nonlinear PDEs with nonlinear boundary conditions.

Other Topics: Our main interest is also related to the analysis of the asymptotic behaviors of solutions to Nonlinear PDEs, such as the blow-up of solutions and the existence of global attractors, etc., as well as seeking underlying hierarchical structures between the parabolicity and hyperbolicity of PDEs.




小澤 徹 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.ozawa.phys.waseda.ac.jp/index2.html
専門分野 数理物理学・非線型偏微分方程式研究
1984 年 早稲田大学理工学部物理学科卒業
1988 年 名古屋大学理学部・助手
1990 年 京都大学理学博士 数理解析研究所・助手
1992 年 北海道大学理学部・講師
1993 年 北海道大学理学部・助教授
1995 年 北海道大学大学院理学研究科・教授
1998 年 日本数学会賞春季賞 受賞
2008 年 早稲田大学理工学術院・教授

ほとんど全ての物理現象は微分方程式としてモデル化・抽象化されます。しかし「シュレディンガー方程式、ディラック方程式、ナビエ・ストークス方程式などの物理学的に由緒正しい方程式には解が在って当たり前か?」となると、話はそう単純ではありません。物理現象を記述しているのは方程式の「解」であって「方程式そのもの」ではありません。「方程式そのもの」は書き下した瞬間「存在する」と言えるのでしょうが、方程式の「解の存在」は全く次元の異なる話題となります。また、「解の公式・具体的表示」と「解の存在」とは異なる概念です。後者は前者よりも広い意味を持っています。例えば、複素函数論で「複素係数のn( 1)次多項式は重複を許して丁度n 個の根を持つ」というガウスの代数学の基本定理を学びますが、これは「5 次以上の方程式は代数的には解けない」というアーベル・ガロアの理論とは何ら矛盾するものではありません。
非線型双曲型方程式の研究 プラズマ物理、相対論、場の理論
非線型分散型方程式の研究 光通信工学、量子力学、場の理論
非線型楕円型方程式の研究 画像工学、材料工学、場の理論
流体力学の数学的基礎の研究 流体力学、連続体力学




Tohru Ozawa [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.ozawa.phys.waseda.ac.jp/index2.html
research field The mathematical reality of classical field theory
research keywords
Mathematical physics
Classical field theory
Scattering theory

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

The mathematical reality of classical field theory

We cannot be assured of the validity of quantum field theory in any formulation without the deep mathematical theories drawn from the corresponding classical field theory.
In an address at the 1962 Conference on Analysis at Yale University on the occasion of Professor Hill’s retirement, Irving E. Segal remarked as follows: “To a considerable extent, relativistic physics is based in a theoretical way on non-linear partial differential equations. Until recently, however, there has been little applicable mathematical theory even in the classical (i.e., unquantized) case, although the subject is one of much intrinsic mathematical appeal. Probably the simplest non-trivial non-linear relativistic equations are those of the form \box \phi = F(\phi), …” (from his paper entitled “Non-linear Semigroups,” Annals of Mathematics, 78(1963), 339-364.)
Given this common motivation, studies of nonlinear partial differential equations in classical field theory got their start as a subject in mathematical physics.
Up to the 1980s, the world’s leading centers of research in this area were located in New York and Paris.
The names of some of the prominent scientists working in this area immediately come to mind: Morawetz, Strauss, Nirenberg, Klainerman, Shatah in the U.S. and Jorgens, Lions, Ginibre, Velo, Choquet, and Christodoulou in Europe. In Japan, the first research group in this area took shape here in the Department of Applied Physics at Waseda University. Based on original and pioneering work by Professor Riichi Iino and Professor Masayoshi Tsutsumi, research results gradually percolated out into the world community during the 1980s.

Since then, the Mathematical Physics Laboratory, Department of Applied Physics, Waseda University has produced a number of mathematical physicists active in this area, including Nakao Hayashi, Yoshio Tsutsumi, Hayato Nawa, Takayoshi Ogawa, and myself, to name a few. Individuals active in these laboratories are now recognized as a world-leading group in the mathematical study of classical field theory.

I returned to Waseda in 2008 to succeed Professor Masayoshi Tsutsumi. With Professor Mitsuharu Otani, I oversee the Laboratory of Mathematical Physics. My chief research interests involve classical field theory as a topic in mathematical physics. In terms of nonlinear partial differential equations, I have done work in the areas of nonlinear hyperbolic equations, nonlinear dispersive equations, and nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equations arising in pure and applied physics, particularly nonlinear Dirac, Klein-Gordon, Schrodinger equations, several associated systems of these equations, and fundamental equations in fluid mechanics. By exploring basic issues associated with these equations, such as the well-posedness of the Cauchy problem, long-time behavior of global solutions, regularity and singularity in local solutions, scattering theory, and asymptotic analysis, I seek to obtain a clearer picture of the mathematical reality of classical field theory. For more information, I encourage you to visit our Laboratory website.






前田 恵一 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.gravity.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
専門分野 宇宙物理






Kei-ichi Maeda [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.gravity.phys.waseda.ac.jp/index_e.html
research field Research on cosmology and black holes as fundamental physics
research keywords
General relativity and gravitational physics
The Early Universe in unified theory of fundamental interactions
Black holes and relativistic astrophysics

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Research on cosmology and black holes as fundamental physics

I mainly work on gravitational physics and cosmology based on unified theories of fundamental interactions. In 1986, when I was a postdoc at the Meudon Observatory, I worked with Professor Gary Gibbons (Cambridge), who at the time was a visiting professor there,and found black hole solutions in string theory. The paper written with Gary is now one of the most popular papers in this field. The citation number in the SPIRES database at SLAC is now 712. When I visit Cambridge now, I always go to Gary’s office for useful discussions. This helps my research significantly.
In 1999, a workshop was held at the Isaac Newton Institute on “Structure Formation in the Universe.” During my sabbatical, I attended this workshop for three months. I had interesting discussions with numerous prominent scientists, including people at Cambridge. I began work on “a brane cosmology” there.
In particle physics, all interactions could be unified in higher dimensions.
However, our universe should be three dimensional. To explain our universe in the context of higher-dimensional unified theories, we introduce the idea of a brane, a three dimensional object moving in higher-dimensional spacetime.

Taking this model, many researchers have studied the early stage of the Universe or strong gravitational phenomena such as a black hole.
During the workshop, I finished four papers, which became the most widely cited ones in this field (The citation numbers are 831, 215, 176, and 124). One of these written with Professors Tetsuya Shiromizu (TITech) and Misao Sasaki (Kyoto) derives an effective gravitational theory for our universe based on the Randall-Sundrum brane world scenario.
I have published 181 papers to date. The total number of citations is over 5000, and the h index is 36.
I also manage international research collaborations. For example, I am the PI of the Japan-U.K. Research Cooperative Program (2005-09). I am also a member of the International Committee on General Relativity and Gravitation (GRG) and editor of the Journal of GRG.
Current topics include research on “cosmology and black holes” as fundamental physics. Inflation, which is believed to occur in the early stage of the Universe, is also entering a new stage and can now be discussed based on unified theories such as superstring theory. I recently presented a new type of inflation in a string model with correction terms.
I am also working on black hole solutions in string theory. More recently, my interests have turned to so-called dark energy, one of the most important subjects in modern cosmology. My goal is to continue this research and to find interesting new aspects in cosmology or gravitational physics.

研究内容ダミー1Based on the unified theory of fundamental interactions, our universe may be a membrane (three-dimensional space) moving in higher-dimensional spacetime. Standard model particles such as quarks and leptons as well as gauge particles such as photons and gluons are confined to the three-dimensional brane (our world), but gravitons can propagate in the higher-dimensional bulk space. This world view may change the scenario of the evolution of the early universe. It is called a brane world.




勝藤 拓郎 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/katsuf/lab/index.htm
専門分野 物性物理学








Takuro Katsufuji [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/katsuf/lab/index.htm
research field New physics through new materials
research keywords
Strongly-correlated electron systems
Synthesis of new materials
Optical spectroscopy of materials

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

New physics through new materials

While the behavior of a single electron obeys the Schrodinger equation and is physically counterintuitive, the principle in question is quite simple. However, real-world objects consist of countless electrons, and the collective motion of such large numbers of electrons differs radically from the motion of a single electron. Each material acts as a “stage” for electrons which, in this analogy, may be regarded as “actors.” The actors (the electrons) behave in different ways in different materials (on different stages). The potentially novel behavior of electrons on novel stages presents an avenue for exploring the physics of new materials.

Our group is currently seeking to synthesize new materials, grow new crystals, and explore new physics in these materials. In particular, we focus on transition-metal oxides, in which electrons are strongly correlated and tend to act collectively (called “strongly-correlated electron systems”). Due to the collective behavior of correlated electrons, transition-metal oxides often exhibit a large response to external fields, sometimes generating surprising behavior. For example, applying a magnetic field to some common materials will result in magnetization. Applying a magnetic field to transition-metal oxides may lead to changes in electrical resistance, dielectric constants, crystal structures, and even color. In addition to their interest in terms of basic physics, such phenomena present the potential for future applications.

To date, we have observed the following phenomena: (1) Magnetic-field-induced structural phase transitions in spinel MnV2O4, a phenomenon arising from the coupling of the orbital and spin degrees of freedom of the V ion; (2) large changes in dielectric constant in a perovskite (EuTiO3) when a magnetic field is applied, a phenomenon arising from the coupling between Eu spins and the electric dipole on Ti; (3) significant changes in color in a perovskite (Pr0.6Sr0.4MnO3) and pyrochlore (Yb2V2O7) when a magnetic field is applied; (4) significant changes in electrical resistance when a magnetic field is applied to La- and Cr-doped perovskite (SrTiO3). We wish to emphasize that such physical phenomena represent only a small portion of those related to new materials; we expect many more to appear in the near future.


研究内容ダミー1In conventional electromagnetics, magnetic fields induce magnetization only. In some transition-metal oxides, however, the effects of magnetic fields can be quite varied. (Left) Crystal structure of spinel MnV2O4 changes when a magnetic field is applied. (Right) Dielectric constants of perovskite (EuTiO3) change when a magnetic field is applied.

無限に大きい核物質の研究と 天体物理学への応用



鷹野 正利 [教授・理工研] dummy_photo
専門分野 原子核物理学
Homepage www.np.phys.waseda.ac.jp

原子核は核子(陽子と中性子)が核力という力で結合している系で、現在約3000種類の原子核が実験的に知られています。それらの膨大な実験データの多くについて、まだ理論的に十分な説明がなされていません。 原子核構造研究の困難さは2つの側面を持ちます。1つは、核力の複雑さです。核力は強い短距離引力と斥力芯から成り、また核子のスピンや速度等によって変化する、非常に複雑な力です。さらに、3つの核子の間に働く3体力も重要であると考えられています。 もう1つは、多体問題的側面です。一般に多体問題を解く事は困難ですが、例えば鉛の原子核208Pbは、82個の陽子と126個の中性子から成り、その構造を知るためには208体問題を解かなければなりません。現状で、これを厳密に解く事は不可能です。
そこで我々は、無限個の核子から成る無限に大きい仮想的な原子核(以下では核物質と呼びます)を考えます。そして、主に変分法を用いて、核物質の多体問題的研究を行う事により、核物質の観点から原子核の大局的性質を理解する事を目指します。 核物質エネルギーの理論計算により、いわゆる核物質の状態方程式(EOS)が得られます。計算された核物質EOSの信頼性を調べるために、我々は宇宙に目を向けます。


研究内容ダミー1 「仮想的」な無限に大きい核物質は、中性子星という天体の姿で存在します。中性子星は超高密度の天体で、非常に強い自己重力に対して、内部核物質の硬さが星を支えています。よって、中性子星の構造研究には、核物質EOSの情報が必要です。また逆に、中性子星観測結果との比較で、計算された核物質EOSの信頼性が確認できます。(図は中性子星の半径と質量の関係を表します。)さらに、恒星の進化の最終段階で起こる超新星爆発のきっかけも、核物質の硬さにあると考えられ、そのような天体現象の理解には、核物質EOSの情報が不可欠です。 このように核物質EOSは、原子核物理学、天体物理学で重要な役割を果たしますが、これを実験的に決定する事は困難で、信頼性の高い理論多体計算が必要です。我々のグループでは、こうした中性子星、超新星爆発等の天体現象の理論的研究に適用可能な核物質EOSの研究を行っています。



Masatoshi Takano [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage  www.np.phys.waseda.ac.jp
research field Theoretical study of Nuclear Equation of State
research keywords
Equation of state for nuclear matter
Variational method
Neutron stars

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Theoretical study of Nuclear Equation of State

The atomic nucleus is a quantum-mechanical system composed of nucleons (protons and neutrons) interacting through nuclear and Coulomb forces. One of the fundamental properties of the atomic nucleus is the so-called “saturation property of nuclear forces,” i.e., that the nucleon number densities inside the nuclei and the binding energies per nucleon are nearly constant for all nuclei. In order to explain this basic property of the atomic nucleus quantitatively, the Schrodinger equation for the atomic nucleus must be solved. So far, however, this has not been achieved because the nuclear Hamiltonian, especially the potential of the nuclear force, has some uncertainty. More seriously, the quantum many-body problem is especially difficult to solve.

In order to overcome the latter difficulty, we have been studying the quantum variational many-body theory for infinitely-large fermion systems. The variational method is a powerful technique to treat the quantum systems in which the particles interact through strong short-range forces, such as infinite hypothetical nuclear matter and liquid helium. In the case of liquid 3He, the spin-1/2 3He atoms interact through intermolecular forces, and the Hamiltonian bears some resemblance to that of nuclear matter. Furthermore, the experimental data to be compared with the theoretical calculations for liquid 3He are more abundant than in the case of nuclear matter. Therefore, we are studying not only nuclear matter but also liquid 3He.

Infinitely-large nuclear matter can be found as neutron stars. A neutron star is a compact object whose mass is about twice the solar mass (or somewhat less), with the radius being about 10 kilometers. Inside the star is high-density nuclear matter. Against strong self-gravity, the stiffness of the interior nuclear matter supports the neutron star. Therefore, the neutron star structure is determined by the stiffness of the interior nuclear matter, or more generally, by the equation of state (EOS) of nuclear matter. Furthermore, owing to the recent development of neutron star observations, various constraints are imposed on the nuclear EOS. We are studying the neutron star structure in connection with the nuclear EOS obtained with our variational method.

The nuclear EOS is also important for studies of core-collapse supernovae and other high-energy astrophysical phenomena such as hypernovae, black-hole formations, and neutron star mergers. In order to study these astrophysical phenomena with numerical hydrodynamic simulations, the EOS of nuclear matter covering an extremely wide range of densities, temperatures, and proton fractions is necessary. We are constructing a new nuclear EOS appropriate for these astrophysical phenomena based on the variational many-body theory.

研究内容ダミー1Energies per nucleon of asymmetric nuclear matter at zero temperature E/N for various proton fractions x, as functions of the nucleon number density ρ. The AV18 and UIX potentials are employed for the two-body and three-body nuclear forces, respectively. The dotted curves with crosses are with the Fermi Hypernetted Chain calculation for x = 0 (upper one) and x = 0.5 (lower one) by Akmal et al. (PRC58[1998]1804).




山田 章一 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.heap.phys.waseda.ac.jp/index.php
専門分野 宇宙物理




Shoichi Yamada [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.heap.phys.waseda.ac.jp/index-e.php
research field Neutrino and gravitational wave astronomy of massive-star collapse
research keywords
High energy astrophysics
Mechanism of collapse-driven supernovae and physics of hadronic matter at high densities
Neutrinos and gravitational waves from the formation of black holes and neutron stars
Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Neutrino and gravitational wave astronomy of massive-star collapse

Gravitational collapse is the common fate of massive stars, followed by the formation of compact objects such as neutron stars and black holes. This gravitational collapse is initiated by the central core of a massive star, which is surrounded by massive envelopes and cannot be probed by electromagnetic waves. The actual conditions in these regions have been inferred over the years based on indirect evidence for example, nucleosynthetic yields. This may have already changed dramatically, however, with multiple terrestrial detectors of neutrinos and gravitational waves now deployed, operating, and poised to detect the next event.

Since neutrinos and gravitational waves interact very weakly with matter, they escape the central core unhindered, carrying information on the environment where the emissions originate. Although the very weakness of the interactions once constituted a major challenge for experimentalists, this is no longer the case. The ball is once again in the theoreticians’ court. Needed now are quantitative predictions to compare against observations. As the detection of neutrinos from SN1987A clearly demonstrates, neutrinos from core-collapse supernovae and the proto-neutron stars that form subsequently should be among the primary targets in neutrino astronomy.

Also emerging now is gravitational-wave astronomy. Over the last decade, we have witnessed significant progress in the international network of detectors, including LIGO, VIGRO, GEO600, TAMA300, and AIGO, and the direct detection of gravitational waves from astrophysical events should soon be possible.
Promising sources would include a massive star collapse, particularly within our own galaxy.

Over the years, in large-scale numerical simulations, we have demonstrated that the detection of neutrinos and/or gravitational waves emitted by the gravitational collapse of massive stars will convey much information not just about what goes on under the thick veil of the massive envelopes, but about the properties of dense and hot baryonic matter. In so doing we have pointed out the importance of black-hole-forming events, which are still putative but, if observed, will provide invaluable and otherwise inaccessible information. In fact, the neutrino bursts from the optically silent collapses of massive stars have unique characteristics that distinguish them from ordinary supernova neutrinos; hence, they can be used not just as indicators of black hole formation, but as probes of dense baryonic matter. It is fascinating that such an event may be confirmed by the detection of “the disappearance of one of the numerous massive stars” monitored optically as another proposed initiative. If the progenitor star is rotating, we will also have the chance to detect the event via gravitational waves.

Four snapshots of our 3D supernova simulation. The length of each side of the plot corresponds to 1000 km. The entropy distributions are shown. The second and fourth quadrants of each panel show the surface of the shock wave. The high entropy bubbles (colored red) in the section cut by the $ZX$ plane are displayed in the first and third quadrants. The insets show gravitational waveforms from anisotropic neutrino emissions.




中里 弘道 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.hep.phys.waseda.ac.jp/index-j.html
専門分野 量子力学基礎論、素粒子理論






Hiromichi Nakazato [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.hep.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
research field Theoretical study of quantum dynamics and its applications
research keywords
Quantum dynamics
Quantum-classical border
Quantum field theories

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Theoretical study of quantum dynamics and its applications

Since its advent more than 80 years ago, quantum theory, which describes behavior in the microscopic world from molecules and atoms down to elementary particles, has solidified its status as one of the most successful theories in modern physics. Although its validity has been confirmed in many fields in physics to an unprecedented degree of precision, quantum theory has been plagued since its birth with certain fundamental issues, which remain unresolved due to the difficulty of achieving experimental counterproof. Recent technological advances have dramatically altered this landscape, allowing the examination of such issues in laboratory experiments. To date, no results that contradict quantum theory have been reported. Moreover, new ideas based on the very fundamental rules of quantum theory (e.g., the superposition principle) have emerged and are being applied in the laboratory in real-world physical systems.
At the same time, these technological innovations have forced major reappraisals of physical processes. For example, an ideal system consisting of an isolated atom cannot in fact exist in the real world. At all times, we must account for the environment, or external agency, including the act of measurement, with which quantum systems are unavoidably implicated. The environment affects dynamics and causes phenomena like dephasing and/or dissipation resulting in loss of quantum coherence (decoherence), a key issue in quantum information and technologies for which the preservation of quantum coherence is crucial. A correct understanding of quantum processes is essential to realizing real-world applications of the ideas proposed in association with such fascinating keywords as quantum computers and quantum cryptography; these applications must be realized as real physical processes in the laboratory, not as mathematical formulas on paper.
Our research explores the dynamics of quantum systems under the influence of the environment, first by treating the whole system composed of the quantum system and its environment as a closed quantum system, then by tracing the environmental degrees of freedom. The resulting dynamics is no longer unitary and would lead to decoherence in the quantum system. Understanding the associated mechanisms and finding possible ways to avoid decoherence are key issues related to the primary subjects of our current research. These issues have deep connections to profound and interesting questions, including where or how the border between quantum and classical worlds can be defined and when classical rules predominate over quantum rules. These questions also fall within the scope of our research efforts, and we study the transitions between different theoretical frameworks (e.g., classical or quantum, particle or field), seeking a deeper understanding of the meaning of quantization or devising novel methods of quantization.




安倍 博之 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.hep.phys.waseda.ac.jp/index-j.html
専門分野 素粒子理論



研究内容ダミー1 私たちの研究室では、(現在知られている唯一矛盾のない量子重力理論である)超弦理論の有効理論として標準理論が実現されている可能性を念頭に置いて、素粒子理論の研究、特に標準理論を超える物理の理論的研究を行っています。超弦理論が素粒子の究極的統一理論だとすると、標準理論を超える物理として、ボーズ粒子とフェルミ粒子を入れ換える超対称性や、高次元時空に起因する余剰空間次元の存在などが予言され、これらの力学や幾何学が、観測されている素粒子の複雑な質量階層構造などを決定していると考えられます。また、超対称性や余剰次元から帰結される数々の新粒子の存在は、高エネルギー物理現象や宇宙の歴史にも重要な影響を与えると考えられ、これらの理論を研究し高エネルギー実験や宇宙論的観測による検証を行うことは現代の基礎物理学の重要な課題の1つです。



Hiroyuki Abe [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.hep.phys.waseda.ac.jp
research field Theoretical high-energy physics
research keywords
Particle phenomenology
Quantum field theory
Supergravity and superstring
Higher-dimensional spacetime

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Theoretical high-energy physics

The most fundamental elements of nature observed by people are elementary particles called quarks, leptons (matter particles), and gauge bosons (force mediators). The electron and the neutrino are classified as leptons, while the proton and the neutron are composite particles each formed by three quarks. A quantum field theory with special local symmetries, called the “standard model” of elementary particles, describes whole observed phenomena at the present time without inconsistencies. From the theoretical point of view, however, there exist many unsatisfactory points in the standard model, beginning with the unpredictability of the masses of elementary particles, the lack of gravitational interactions, and so on.

In a quest for an ultimate fundamental theory of nature beyond the standard mode, one of the most severe obstacles is the extension of quantum field theory as it includes gravitational interactions, i.e. the harmonization of quantum theory with general relativity. A single known theory that overcomes such obstacles without any theoretical inconsistencies is the “superstring theory.” It possesses a special symmetry called supersymmetry under the exchange of bosons and fermions, and is defined in ten-dimensional spacetime. If our real world is a product of superstring theory, there should exist supersymmetry and six extra space dimensions that are possibly hidden in such a way that we never detect them due to the energy shortage of present particle colliders.

Considering the possibility that the standard model appears as a low-energy effective theory for superstring, we perform various theoretical and phenomenological studies for physics beyond the standard model. We have to search candidates for realistic structures among huge numbers of superstring vacua, for which the key ingredients are “supersymmetry” and “extra-dimensions.” These imply the existence of new particles at low energy called superparticles and moduli. We aim to find an ultimate unifying theory of elementary particles and gravity, by analyzing the dynamics and the geometry of these ingredients and accomplishing the harmonization of the standard model with the superstring theory. In these studies, we derive theoretical predictions for precise values of known and possibly new observables, which are compared with real observed values in the past and future high-energy experiments as well as cosmological observations, and then verify the validity of each candidate for an ultimate unified theory of elementary particles.



研究内容ダミー1The energy dependence of three gauge coupling constants determined by the observed values at low energy in the standard model (dotted-lines) and in a supersymmetric extension of the standard model (solid-lines) at the first order of perturbative expansion. In the latter supersymmetric model, a gauge coupling unification occurs at a high energy, which would imply some underlying unification theory.




髙野 光則 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.tb.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
専門分野 生物物理学



Mitsunori Takano [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.tb.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
research field
research keywords
Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)


in preparation
