

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科




澤田 秀之  [教授]
homepage https://www.sawada.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
専門分野 計測・情報工学研究
1990年 早稲田大学理工学部応用物理学科 卒業
1992年 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科 修士課程修了
1992年~1994年 三井金属鉱業株式会社 勤務
1995年~1998年 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1
1998年 早稲田大学理工学部・助手
1999年 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科 博士課程修了 博士(工学)
1999年 香川大学工学部知能機械システム工学科・准教授
2010年 情報処理学会論文賞 受賞
2010年 香川大学工学部知能機械システム工学科・教授
2017年 早稲田大学理工学術院・教授



1) 画像・音響研究グループ: 人間のように見たいもの聴きたいものを柔軟に選択して理解する計測・認識技術の研究

2) 触覚研究グループ: 皮膚下の触覚受容器を直接的に刺激して触覚感覚を創り出し、呈示するためのアクチュエータ、人のように触覚感覚を理解するセンサの研究。また、微小な形状記憶合金(SMA)ワイヤを使ったセンサとアクチュエータのダイナミクス解析と動作モデルの研究

3) ロボティクス研究グループ: 人と機械の柔軟なインタラクションの実現を目指したロボット技術、メカトロニクスの研究開発

4) 人工知能研究グループ: 人体モデルの制御や人の認知機構を実現する人工知能、学習機械、計算機インテリジェンスに関する研究


左:音声対話ロボット 右:SMAマイクロアクチュエータ

Hideyuki Sawada [Professor]
homepage https://www.sawada.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
research field Measurement and Information Engineering
research keywords
Image & Sound processing
Tactile and haptic applications
Artificial intelligence
Human interface

Measurement and Information Engineering / Understanding and Reproducing Human Intelligence, Intuition and Behavior

Humans communicate with one another by using not only verbal media but also the five senses such as vision, auditory sense and tactile/touch sensation effectively using their bodies. Information transmitted through the five senses is especially able to affect our emotion and feelings directly making for smooth communication. Visual and auditory mechanisms are widely realized by engineering techniques by employing cameras, visual monitors, microphones and speakers, which are commercially available in common, however no standardized devices for recognizing and displaying tactile sensations have been introduced so far. Light and sounds are directly perceived by our biological organs such as eyes and ears, on the other hand, the sense of touch or the tactile sensation is generated by the physical phenomena that occur at the contact location between the skin and the object. The human skin includes four main tactile receptors, which are Merkel discs, Meissner corpuscles, Ruffini endings and Pacinian corpuscles, to react to different physical stimuli given to the skin, and humans recognize the tactile sensation as somatic sensation according to the nerve signal transmitted from the receptors to the brain.

In this laboratory, the human tactile and haptic sensations are studied as one of the research topics, and the micro sensors and actuators are being developed for recognizing and displaying various tactile sensation as humans do. Such sensors and actuators will be applied for the realization of touching and manipulating objects placed in a distant place, as visual and auditory information are commonly employed for tele-communication. We also study robotics technologies for realizing new relationship between humans and machines. Based on the consideration of human five senses, new sensing, actuating and controlling techniques through the integration of visual, auditory and tactile information are developed. In these studies, the understanding of human intellect, emotion and intuitive behaviors is necessary, and the computational intelligence and the neural computation are also the researching topics along with the development of intelligent measurement and control techniques.

This laboratory is newly established in 2017, and the following research projects are mainly going on.

1) Image and auditory information research team:
Studies of intelligent measurement, recognition and synthesis techniques referring to human behaviors to realize human-like computation and robots.

2) Tactile and haptic research team:
The development of a tactile display to generate various tactile sensations by stimulating four tactile receptors under the skin. Micro-deformation actuators using shape-memory alloy (SMA) wires are developed for generating micro-vibration with various frequencies, and the control techniques are also studied. By employing the tactile actuators, new multimodal VR and AR environment is constructed as the tactile and haptic applications.

3) Robotics research team:
Robotic and mechatronic technologies are studied to realize new intuitive and flexible communication among humans and machines. A talking and singing robot having mechanical vocalization organs like a human is one of the research subjects, which autonomously learn and acquire vocalization skill like a human baby by employing the auditory-feedback learning mechanism.

4) Artificial intelligence research team:
Studies of artificial and computational intelligence, and the neural network for the control of robotic organs and the realization of human perceptive mechanism.

We also have joint and collaborative research projects with foreign Universities, and actively conduct student exchange.

Left: Voice communication robot  Right: SMA micro-actuators
