

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科




辻川 信二[教授]
homepage https://www.tsujikawa.phys.waseda.ac.jp
専門分野 宇宙物理学,一般相対論
「現代物理学に関する国際学会誌D」 編集委員
「一般相対論および重力」 国際学会組織委員

近年の観測技術の進歩に伴い,宇宙論の研究は急速な進展を見せている. 特に,

  • 量子重力理論,弦理論に基づく宇宙初期の進化
  • 宇宙背景輻射(CMB)と宇宙の大規模構造の起源となる,原始密度揺らぎの進化
  • 現在の宇宙を支配する暗黒エネルギー,暗黒物質の起源
  • ブラックホール・中性子星のような強重力天体と重力波


  • インフレーション模型の理論的な構築と観測的な検証
  • 宇宙初期(再加熱期)の粒子生成
  • 宇宙論的密度揺らぎ,原始重力波の進化
  • 宇宙背景輻射の温度揺らぎ
  • 宇宙の大規模構造の進化と暗黒物質
  • 暗黒エネルギーの起源
  • 一般相対論を拡張した理論の構築と観測的な兆候
  • ブラックホール・中性子星の物理と,強重力領域における重力理論の検証



Shinji Tsujikawa [Professor]
homepage https://www.tsujikawa.phys.waseda.ac.jp
research field Cosmology
General Relativity
research keywords
Cosmic microwave background
Large-scale structures
Dark energy
Extended theories of gravity
Black holes
Neutron stars

Cosmology and General Relativity

With the development of observational techniques over the past few decades, the research on cosmology has made enormous progress. By exploiting observational data, it is now possible to probe the physics like

  • Evolution of the early universe based on quantum gravity and string theory
  • Growth of primordial density perturbations for the origins of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies and large-scale structures
  • Dark energy and dark matter
  • Black holes, neutron stars, and gravitational waves

In our lab, we are working on a wide variety of research topics related to cosmology and general relativity listed below.

  • Construction of inflationary models and their observational constraints
  • Particle production in the early Universe
  • Evolution of primordial perturbations including gravitational waves
  • CMB temperature anisotropies
  • Dark matter and growth of large-scale structures
  • Dark energy—construction of theoretical models and observational constraints
  • Extended theories of gravity and their observational signatures
  • Physics of black holes and neutron stars, and testing the regime of strong gravity through gravitational waves

In particular, we probe the physics in the early Universe like inflation by using the latest observational data of CMB.  We also try to understand the source for late-time cosmic acceleration from the theoretical viewpoint and place constraints on dark energy models from observational data including supernovae type-Ia and CMB (see the figure below).  The underlying physics of two epochs of cosmic acceleration in the early and late Universe has not been completely understood yet, so we would like to approach the origins of them by using numerous observational data including gravitational waves first detected in 2015.

Ultimately, we aim to construct a viable cosmological model consistent with observations in theories beyond General Relativity and Standard Model of particle physics.

Observational constraints on dark energy models from CMB
