

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科





相澤 洋二 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/aizawa/index-j.html
専門分野 統計物理学
1967 年 早稲田大学理工学部電気工学科卒業
1973 年 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究博士課程修了
1977 年 ブラッセル自由大学リサーチフェロー
1979 年 京都大学理学部物理学科・助手
1986 年 早稲田大学理工学部応用物理学科・教授


1. カオスとエルゴード性の研究
2. 自己組織化過程の研究
3. 複雑系の研究




Yoji Aizawa [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/aizawa/index-j.html
research field  
research keywords

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)


in preparation




鷲尾 方一  [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/washiom/
専門分野 高品質ビーム科学研究
1981 年 東京大学工学系研究科原子力工学専攻 修了
            同年 東京大学工学部付属原子力工学研究施設 助手
1989 年 2 月 住友重機械工業 入社
1998 年 早稲田大学理工学総合研究センター 教授
          (現 理工学術院総合研究所)

加速器等から発生される電子ビームやイオンビームなどは、古くは原子核の変換に用いられてきました。しかし20 世紀後半から、これらのビームは素粒子物理学や化学反応の追跡などに応用され、現在では産業界で創出される多くの消費材の生産にかかわるようになってきました。このように、加速器から得られる種々のビームの応用については、利用するフィールド毎に多くの応用研究が行われるようになってきています。研究室ではこれら多彩なテーマの研究を大きく進展させるために、基本となるビームの性能を非常に高いもの( 高品質) にしてきています。これらの発展をベースに高品質ビームが将来の物理学の発展に寄与するとともに、低環境負荷の新材料創製にも大きな役割を果たしてきています。
当研究室では、このような事を背景に、超小型の高品質電子ビーム発生装置( 写真上) をはじめとして、プロセス用の電子線装置や、他研究機関設置のイオンビーム装置などを用いて、装置開発や素粒子物理学実験、ビームを応用した新素材、新プロセスの開発を目指した研究を続けています。最先端加速器を用いた物理の分野では、非常に質のよい(エネルギーや進行方向がそろっている)また、非常に短い時間(約1000 億分の1秒)構造を持つ電子ビームを発生させ、それを用いて最先端の計測システム開発や、そのビームをレーザーと相互作用させて新しいビームを作るなどの先端加速器実験を行っています。また産業用加速器を用いたプロセス開発については、高分子材料の機能化(燃料電池膜やマイクロ・ナノ構造体作製)を目指した先端研究を実施しています。写真下に電子線ナノインプリントという転写技術を使って得られた高分子ナノピラーの電子顕微鏡写真と生分解性高分子(ポリ乳酸)をイオンビームで加工して得られたナノギアの原子間力微鏡写真を示します。このような世界最先端の研究に興味のある方は一度研究室をお尋ねください。きっと面白いテーマが見つかりますよ。


イオンビーム加工により得られた生分解性高分子( ポリ乳酸)ナノギア(下)



Masakazu Washio [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/washiom/
research field  
research keywords

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)


in preparation

計測・情報・メディア ー宇宙から感性まで-



橋本 周司  [教授] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/shalab/index-j.html
専門分野 計測・情報工学研究
1977 年 早稲田大学大学院博士課程修了
1979 年 東邦大学理学部講師
1988 年 東邦大学理学部助教授
1991 年 早稲田大学理工学部助教授
1993 年 早稲田大学理工学部(現 理工学術院)教授


本研究室の拠点は、理工キャンパスの学科研究室を中心に、喜久井町キャンパスのヒューマノイド研究所および2008 年度に採択されたGCOE「グローバルロボットアカデミア」の研究施設内にもあります。また、欧州連合のFP7プログラムの一つに参加してイタリア、アメリカなどの海外の大学との共同研究も進めております。卒論生も含め以下の班に属して各自の課題に取り組んでいます。

研究内容ダミー11) 音楽・マルチメディア班:音響信号処理の基礎的な理論から音楽情報処理とマルチメディアパフォーマンスシステムの構築までを研究しています。
2) 画像情報班:画像処理の新しい方法を探求し、コンピュータグラフィックス、画像計測および画像認識の実問題の研究を行っています。
3) ロボッティック班:人間と機械の新しい関係の構築を目指して、ロボットやマンマシンインタフェースの研究に取り組んでいます。
4) ケミカルロボティック班:化学反応に基づいて、金属の身体とシリコンの脳を持つロボットとはまったく異なる生き物のようなロボットの実現を目指しています。
5) メタアルゴリズム班:遺伝的アルゴリズムやニューラルネットワークの理論と応用、自己組織化と自己複製などを研究対象としています。




Shuji Hashimoto [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/shalab/index-j.html
research field Measurement and Information Engineering – Harmonized Human-Machine Environments –
research keywords
Image and Sound Processing

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Measurement and Information Engineering – Harmonized Human-Machine Environments –

he mission of this laboratory is to build a new relationship between humans and machines based on an understanding of human intellect, emotion, and volition. Therefore, our research is specifically concerned with cognition in the context of man-machine-environment interaction. Based on these considerations, we are studying many key technologies for future machines. We have four research groups that cover topics through materials to systems and from theoretical to experimental fields. They are the Image Processing, Music & Sound Processing, Meta-Algorithms, and Robotics groups. We are a member of the Humanoid Robotics Institute, Waseda University. We are also a core member of the Waseda University Global COE Program, “Global Robot Academia.”

Along with research on new practical technologies for human-machine interaction, I am currently planning an experiment to release a robot into nature and to see how much skill it would acquire by itself to survive. If robots could know their bodies and have the will of living forever, they would certainly develop intelligence on their own initiative. In order to do so, self-structuring and self-reproduction are important, even for simple living creatures. If computers and machines became more elaborate, materials to create better robots closer to human beings or higher animals would be available, but for the time being it is still impossible to create a robot similar to a fly or a mouse. However simple the living creature may be, designs and programs are extremely complex and designing in detail or assembling without mistakes is difficult. Therefore, it is necessary to first have what is possible made by human beings, and then research on a way to raise robots so that they develop by themselves.

Our long range challenge is to make a machine with a real heart. In my opinion, we must overcome three main difficulties before realizing this dream. The first is software complexity. As systems become more and more complex, detailed programming becomes almost impossible and testability goes down. We need a new way of production to integrate self-organizing software and hardware. The second difficulty is the limitation of hardware. Most existing robots consist of a metal body and silicon brain. We should search for different materials which are soft, flexible, and easy to organize. The last difficulty is not in technology but in philosophy and ethics. As far as we obey Asimov’s three laws of robotics, we cannot have a machine that is a real human partner, because a human-centered ideology contradicts the idea of a machine with a heart. We have to reconsider the relationship between humans and machines to establish a new philosophy.

(a) Establishing “Chemical Robotics” to make a soft robot driven by chemical reaction chains. (b) The first trial of self-reproduction of millimeter-scale parts for growing robots. (c) A tactile sensing feet system for humanoid robots can keep balance with a single leg even when external force is applied. (d) Characteristics of a new noise separation algorithm in the time domain utilizing aggregated microphones.

地球を包む光ネットワーク: 材料探索からシステム応用まで



中島 啓幾  [教授] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/pic/
専門分野 光集積回路研究
1972 年 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科修士課程修了
            富士通研究所 入社
1993 年 桜井健二郎賞 受賞
1996 年 早稲田大学理工学部・教授
2008 年 応用物理学会 フェロー表彰
2011 年-2013 年 応用物理学会・理事

インターネット・ブロードバンド通信の爆発的な普及により人々の生活、企業活動ひいては国家の存立基盤までもが大きく変わりつつあります。その情報通信ネットワークを支える眼に見えないインフラストラクチャーとしてめまぐるしい勢いで技術革新が進んでいるのがこの研究室のメインテーマに深く関係しているDWDM(Dense Wavelength DivisionMultiplexing:高密度波長多重)光通信技術です。
はじめて太平洋に光ファイバケーブルが敷設されてから25 年近くが過ぎました。当時の日米間の国際電話とFAX の需要を十分賄って余りある毎秒280メガビットの通信容量が瞬く間に足りなくなったのは前述のインターネットが米国に端を発して全地球的規模で世界中を結び始めたからです。そして今日では髪の毛ほどの太さ(0.1mm)の光ファイバの中心部(10μm)にわずかに波長の異なる多数の光信号を同時に伝達するDWDM技術により毎秒テラビットを超える光海底ケーブルが稼働しつつあります。これらの技術によって、地球上のどこからもまるで隣にいるかのごとく情報伝達や動画像の視聴が行われているのです。




Hirochika Nakajima [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/pic/
research field  
research keywords

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)


in preparation




竹延大志 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/takenobu/index.html
専門分野  パイ電子材料研究
1998 年 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学 材料科学研究科
2001 年 博士課程 博士(材料科学)
2001 年 ソニー株式会社
2001 年 東北大学 金属材料研究所 助手
2007 年 東北大学 金属材料研究所 准教授
2010 年 早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部
            応用物理学科 准教授
2013 年 早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部
            応用物理学科 教授

い材料』と言えます。これは、無機材料に比べて様々な現象がより小さなエネルギー領域で支配されている事に由来しています。例えば、これらの材料は互いの相互作用が弱く、様々な有機溶剤に可溶です。また、弱い相互作用は、プラスチックに代表されるような機械的な柔軟性にもつながります。近年では、このような『パイ電子材料』に特徴的な『可溶性』や『柔軟性』を活かした、全く新しい大胆なエレクトロニクスが提唱されています。『可溶性』を活かして、インクのように『パイ電子材料』の溶液を利用し、インクジェット法に代表される印刷技術を用いて電子素子を作製する『プリンタブルエレクトロニクス』が注目されています。必要量の材料を、必要な場所にだけ滴下するインクジェット法は、材料に無駄が出ないため、画期的な省資源・省エネルギーな方法として実現が期待されています。また、紙のように柔らかいプラスチック基板上に電子素子を作製する、『柔軟性』を活かした『フレキシブルエレクトロニクス』(曲げられるエレクトロニクス)という概念も提案されています。最近では、実際にプラスチック基板上に曲がる有機EL ディスプレイの試作も行われています。普段はコンパクトな筒状に丸めて持ち歩き、必要なときに開いて使用する、そんな時代が来るかもしれません。




Taishi Takenobu [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/takenobu/index.html
research field  π-electron materials for novel science
research keywords
π-electron materials
Nano-carbon materials
Organic devices
Flexible electronics
Printed electronics

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

π-electron materials for novel science

The research in our lab is centered on π-electron materials, such as organic molecules and nano-carbon materials. Our aim is to control and induce novel electronic and photonic responses in these materials. This work combines fundamental studies with forward-looking engineering efforts in a way that promotes positive feedback between the two. Our current research focuses on π-electron materials for novel materials, solid state physics, organic devices, flexible/printed electronics, and electrically driven organic lasers. I would like to explain our five activities very briefly.1. Novel functional Materials
Novel materials can create new physics and new electronics. Sometimes they also change our daily life in drastic ways. We are trying for a synthesis of novel functional materials based on π-electron materials to open up new worlds. You can find one of our reports in Nature Materials 2, 683 – 688 (2003).

2. Physical properties of nano-carbon materials
Nano-carbon materials such as graphene, carbon-nanotubes, and fullerene are very interesting materials that have a different form compared to conventional carbon materials. We are investigating the physical properties (electrical, optical, and magnetic properties) of these materials for future carbon electronics. You can find one of our reports in Physical Review Letters 104, 016803 (2010).

3. Organic devices
Organic materials have unique properties (flexibility and/or printability) compared to conventional inorganic materials such as silicon. Based on the investigated physical properties of organic materials, we are trying to design and fabricate unique organic devices. You can find one of our reports in Nature Materials 3, 317 – 322 (2004).

4. Flexible Electronics/Printed Electronics
Organic materials have flexibility and printability. Such unique properties might create conceptually novel electronics. We are trying to fabricate flexible and/or printed devices using π-electron materials. For example, we are fabricating single-walled carbon-nanotube transistors by inkjet-printing techniques on flexible plastic substrates (see figure). You can find one of our reports in Advanced Materials 22, 3981 3986, (2010).

5. Electrically driven organic laser
One of the biggest advantages of organic materials is their excellent luminescent properties, which are well known for organic light-emitting diodes. However, an electrical driven organic laser has not yet been realized. Although there are many reasons why light-emitting diodes cannot achieve organic laser devices, most of these problems are easily solved in transistor structures. Therefore, we are trying to first create an electrical driven organic laser using organic single-crystal ambipolar transistors. You can find one of our reports in Physical Reveview Letters 100, 066601 (2008).

Inkjet-printed carbon-nanotube transistors on the flexible plastic substrate.




大島 忠平 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://hreels.web.fc2.com/
専門分野 表面物理学研究

1970 年 東北大学工学部電子工学科卒
1972 年-1989 年 科学技術庁 無機材質研究所
1977 年 工学博士(東北大学)
1988 年 第1回日本IMB科学賞(物理部門)受賞
1989 年 早稲田大学理工学部・教授




本研究室では、これらの実験技術をつかって、表面上に人為的な構造物を作り、その電子状態、格子振動、等を、トンネル電子、光電子、強電界放出電子、2次電子、オ-ジェ電子を使って、総合的に調べ、今までにない物質の機能を探しております。2006 年から3 年計画の大型研究がスタートしました。この研究テーマは、“1つの原子から電子ビームを取り出す究極的に小さな電子源の実現(図参照)” ですが、この研究、十年以上に渡って、培ってきた我々の独自の実験技術と独自のアイデアに基づいております。



Chuhei Oshima [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://hreels.web.fc2.com/
research field  
research keywords
Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)



in preparation




石渡 信一 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/bio/ishiwata
専門分野 生物物理学
編著: 「生体分子モーターの仕組み」(共立)、 「ナノピコスペースのイメージング」(吉岡書店)、 「実験生物物理」(丸善)

生物は、分子から個体に至る階層構造をなしています。タンパク質分子とその集合体、それらが細胞膜に取り囲まれた細胞、何種類もの細胞が集まった細胞集団、そして心臓だとか肝臓だとかの特殊な生体機能を備えた臓器や器官が作り上げられ、それらが組み合わさって生物個体が出来上がっています。私たちは常日頃、生物個体を見て、その生物は生きているとか、死んでいると言いますが、では、どの階層で生死の境が決まるのでしょうか。 また、生物が生きていくために、どの階層で“生物らしさ”が生まれているのでしょうか。 私たちは、生物のあらゆる階層に見られる運動性(生体運動)に注目しています。生体運動は、筋収縮運動に限らず、植物細胞に見られる原形質流動、卵分割や細胞分裂、白血球などのアメーバ運動、それに神経細胞内部の軸索輸送など、細胞が形を変える運動から、細胞内部の物質輸送や、細胞膜を介する能動輸送にかかわる運動など、実に多種多様です。


ところが、このように見かけは違いますが、生体運動を担っているタンパク質には共通性があることが分かってきました。化学エネルギーを力学エネルギーに変換するタンパク質分子機械(大きさが10nm程度)、これを総称して“生体分子モーター”と呼びます。 筋収縮運動は2つの足を持ったミオシン分子モーターの集団とアクチンフィラメントとの相互作用によって生まれますし、神経細胞内部の軸索輸送は、微小管の上を1分子のキネシン分子モーターが2つの足を交互に動かすことによって行われることが分かりつつあります。 物理学科の中にあって、“生物物理学”という学問分野を開拓しようとしている私たちは、“生体分子モーター”を研究対象にして、“生物らしい仕組みとはどのようなものか”という問いに答えるべく、物理学的研究手法や見方・考え方をよりどころにしつつ、日夜研究を続けています。



Shin’ichi Ishiwata [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage https://www.phys.waseda.ac.jp/wps/bio/ishiwata
research field Solving the mechanism of biological functions – From single molecule to systems
research keywords
Hierarchical organization in bio-motile systems
Molecular motors as auto-oscillators
Nano- and micro-mechanics of molecular motors, myofibrils, and meiotic spindles

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Solving the mechanism of biological functions – From single molecule to systems

Biological functions are inherently hierarchical. For many years we have been studying the underlying mechanisms of biological functions from the single-molecule level to the level of supramolecular assemblies, focusing on mechanisms which are characteristic of each level of the hierarchy. We have clarified, in particular, the existence of mechanochemical coupling (intramolecular synchronization) between the intramolecular load and enzymatic activity during the movement of single molecular motors such as kinesin and myosin V (VI) on cytoskeletons (microtubules and actin filaments). In our laboratory, we have been focusing on intracellular movement, auto-oscillation of the contractile systems of muscles, and cell division (chromosome segregation) as typical examples of biological movement, trying to make clear whether the forces produced by the molecular motors and cytoskeleton play an important role in the regulation of the elementary processes of motion such as transport, oscillation, and division. That is, we intend to show that the chemo-mechanical feedback loop (CMF loop:) exists throughout the whole hierarchical organization, possessing, however, different mechanisms characteristic of each level. Through this approach, we try to demonstrate that the CMF loop mechanism is a common principle for the regulation of biomotility. We also aim to develop a technique that will allow the use of the cytoskeleton as a “bionanogauge” that will allow, for example, the monitoring of stress imposed on the cytoskeleton. Furthermore, we examine the role of other physical parameters such as heat and temperature.On the single-molecule level, we examine the role of the CMF loop in the mechanisms of the motility and depolymerization/severing of cytoskeletal tracks by measuring rupture force and determining the binding mode of various myosins and regulating proteins with actin, as well as kinesins (such as MCAK) with microtubules. In myofibrils we focus on the molecular mechanism of the auto-oscillation (SPOC), especially in cardiac muscle, coupled with the construction of the theoretical model. Concerning cell division, we concentrate on the balance of tension in the mechanisms of chromosome segregation, perturbing it by applying external forces to the mitotic cells. This approach will allow us to confirm the existence of the CMF loop and make clear its mechanisms on various levels of biological hierarchy.

Our research objective is to show clearly, on the molecular level, the existence of the CMF loop throughout the hierarchy of bio-motile systems, from single molecules and ensembles to supramolecular organizations, cells, and tissues. This will clarify the (common regulatory) mechanism of biological motility and will possibly become a prime achievement of biophysical research.




木下 一彦 [教授]
homepage http://www.k2.phys.waseda.ac.jp
専門分野 生物物理学






Kazuhiko Jr Kinoshita [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.k2.phys.waseda.ac.jp
research field Single-molecule physiology: How protein machines may work
research keywords
Seeing-is-understanding type single-molecule physiology
Mechanism of rotary molecular motor/generator F1-ATPase
Mechanisms of linear molecular motors

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Single-molecule physiology: How protein machines may work

A single molecule of a protein (or RNA) enzyme acts as a machine that carries out a unique function in cellular activities. These molecular machines, unlike man-made machines, operate stochastically and thus cannot be synchronized with each other.

To elucidate their mechanisms, therefore, one needs to observe closely the behaviors of individual molecules. Our preference is to attach to the nanometer-sized molecular machines a probe that is huge compared to the machine size, such as a micron-sized plastic bead. Watching the motion of a huge probe is easy, allowing seeing-is-understanding type experiments under an optical microscope. For example, that F1-ATPase is a rotary molecular motor was convincingly demonstrated through the rotary motion of a micron-long actin filament attached to the putative rotor subunit (image below) [Nature 386 (1997) 299-302]. A huge probe also serves as a handle for manipulation, with optical or magnetic tweezers.
We have been able to show that F1-ATPase rotates in steps of 80°and 40°[Nature 410 (2001) 898-904] and how these steps are driven by the chemical reactions (ATP hydrolysis) in three catalytic sites in the stator portion [Cell 130 (2007) 309-321]. F1 is a powerful motor with energy-conversion efficiency possibly approaching 100% [Cell 93 (1998) 1117-1124]. When we forcibly let this motor rotate in reverse with magnetic tweezers, it synthesized ATP, showing that F1 is a completely reversible molecular machine [Nature 427 (2004) 465-468]. An astonishing puzzle, yet unsolved, is that rotation of F1 does not require its axle [Science 319 (2008) 955-958].
RNA polymerase, a machine that reads the genetic codes on DNA, has been shown to spiral around the double helix of DNA, like a nut on a bolt [Nature 409 (2001) 113-115]. In contrast, a linear molecular motor myosin V proceeds in a left-handed spiral around the right-handed helix of actin, indicating that it ‘walks’ with discrete steps, rather than slides, along actin [Nat. Struct. Biol. 9 (2002), 464-467]. It does walk, but, unlike a human, a lifted leg is swirled in all directions by Brownian motion, implying that the leg-leg junction is a completely free joint [Science 316 (2007) 1208-1212]. A fun game has been to tie a knot in DNA with optical tweezers [Nature 399 (1999) 446-448].
Our primary interest has been on chemo-mechanical energy converters that use the free energy of nucleotide hydrolysis to drive mechanical motion. We aim at presenting general principle(s) of operation for these machines. Best understood is the F1-ATPase, which seems to work by a series of induced fit and induced ‘unfit,’ or conformational changes accompanying substrate binding and product release. Conversely, the conformational changes, driven thermally or by an external force, modulate the affinity for substrates and products. The interplay between conformation and affinity changes is the key for chemo-mechanical coupling and, in F1-ATPase, for the reverse process of mechano-chemical coupling.

研究内容ダミー1F1-ATPase, a part of the enzyme ATP synthase, consists of six stator subunits (green and blue) and a central rotor subunit (orange). Its rotation, powered by ATP hydrolysis, has been videotaped under an optical microscope by attaching a long actin filament (red; actual length far exceeds the image size) to the rotor through streptavidin (purple).

高エネルギー宇宙線 (粒子線、γ線)で探る宇宙



長谷部 信行 [教授・理工研] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.hasebe-lab.wise.sci.waseda.ac.jp/html/
専門分野 宇宙科学・放射線科学




Nobuyuki Hasebe [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.hasebe-lab.wise.sci.waseda.ac.jp/html/
research field Cosmic Radiation Science
research keywords
Nuclear Planetology
Nuclear Geology
Space Science
Cosmic Ray Physics
Radiation Physics

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Cosmic Radiation Science

Experimental Research on Space Science

Experimental research on nuclear planetology, space physics, and astrophysics is conducted in my laboratory. Chemical elements that exist universally in nature are inevitably related to our research. Elemental abundance and its temporal change of materials in planetary bodies or the universe tell us how these bodies form and evolve. With nuclear spectrometers onboard spacecraft or roving vehicles for the Moon, we conduct (1) the study of the formation and evolution of the Moon on the basis of elemental information by the measurement of MeV-gamma rays and neutrons, (2) the elucidation of high energy phenomena that occur on the surface of the Sun and other celestial bodies, (3) basic research on pertinent detector physics of xenon detectors, and (4) research and development for next-generation nuclear instruments and their application to planetary and space observations.

We focus especially on nuclear planetology. The elemental composition of the Moon is important for answering scientific questions on its origin and evolution. Nuclear spectroscopy is the most powerful method for deriving elemental compositions from the spacecraft orbit. We developed a Gamma Ray Spectrometer with excellent energy resolution onboard the lunar orbiter Kaguya. We successfully measured natural radioisotopes and major elements over the Moon, created their global maps, and provided precious data for answering scientific questions about the Moon for planning the future utilization of lunar resources (see Figure).

Highly enhanced precision maps of elements, minerals, topography, magnetic fields, and gravity fields over the whole surface and sub-surface structure of the Moon have been created by Kaguya and other remote-sensing observations. But there are still many questions about the Moon to be solved. Lunar missions are currently based on remote-sensing explorations from orbit. However, landing and roving missions will be carried out in the near future, and the active method of neutron and X-ray irradiation will be indispensable in nuclear planetology. The active method greatly improves spatial resolution for mapping with high spectral resolution and high sensitivity along the roving trajectory. In future, sophisticated gamma-ray, neutron, and X-ray spectrometers combined with neutron and X-ray irradiation shall be developed for roving missions.

SELENE-2, a follow-up to the success of the Kaguya mission, will land on the Moon and investigate the surface, sub-surface, and interior of the moon. In-situ geological and geophysical observations will be conducted to improve our knowledge on the origin and evolution of the Moon. Investigating surface conditions and their potential for in-situ resource utilization will provide key information for future human exploration missions. Therefore, in our laboratory we have been developing next-generation active spectrometers the future lunar missions together with the precise analysis of Kaguya observation data.


研究内容ダミー1Distribution map of uranium on the Moon measured by the Kaguya Gamma Ray Spectrometer. Understanding the chemical composition of the Moon is important for answering scientific questions about its origin and evolution. The Gamma Ray Spectrometer onboard the lunar orbiter Kaguya measured elements over the Moon and created their global maps, and provided precious data for answering scientific questions about the Moon for planning the future utilization of lunar resources.

宇宙から飛来する粒子の観測で 宇宙と素粒子の謎に迫る



鳥居 祥二 [教授・理工研] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.crlab.wise.sci.waseda.ac.jp
専門分野 宇宙物理学
●宇宙技術および科学の国際シンポジウム (ISTS) 組織委員

このような宇宙の観測対象の多様化に伴い、さまざまな側面からの宇宙像が明らかにされ、細部にいたる物理が解明されつつある。特に、熱的な放射現象では理解できない、高エネルギー粒子線の起源の解明やそれらが放射するX線、ガンマ線の観測に基づく非熱的宇宙現象の研究が最近特に進歩している。この宇宙粒子線(以後は、宇宙線と略す)は、太陽を起源とすることが分かっている低エネルギーの宇宙線から、成因が全く不明な1ジュールを越す(~1020 eV)宇宙線まで、実に14桁のエネルギー領域において観測されている。





Shoji Torii [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.crlab.rise.waseda.ac.jp
research field Astroparticle Physics
research keywords
Cosmic Ray
High Energy
Dark Matter
International Space Station

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Astroparticle Physics

Cosmic rays are charged particles that reach Earth from interstellar space. Although cosmic rays were discovered nearly 100 years ago, the origin and the acceleration mechanism are still uncertain as well as the propagation process in the Galaxy. However, the recent remarkable progress in both theoretical research and detector technology brings a new era to physics related to cosmic rays, which is called “Astroparticle Physics.” Astroparticle Physics is a new interdisciplinary field at the intersection of particle physics, astronomy, and cosmology, and addresses some of the most fundamental questions of contemporary physics including dark matter, the evolution of the universe, matter and anti-matter asymmetry, and so on. Achieving an answer to most of these questions would mark a major breakthrough in understanding our universe and would open up entirely new fields of research.

Cosmic ray transport through the galaxy is understood to be a diffusion process, in which the Galactic cosmic-ray (GCR) hadronic components may traverse the distance equivalent of hundreds of galactic diameters during their lifetime, thereby randomizing their trajectory and losing connection with their original source. High energy electrons, however, have radiative energy losses that limit their lifetime and, consequently, the distance they can diffuse away from their source. As a result, the highest energy electrons we see on Earth very likely originate from only a few local (approximately 1 kpc) sources and, thus, the GCR electron energy spectrum at energies 100 GeV to approximately 10 TeV should show structures associated with specific sources. Furthermore, electrons and positrons are products of the annihilation of many exotic particles speculated to be dark matter candidates.

The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a mission of Astroparticle Physics at the International Space Station that will address many outstanding questions: (1) the nature of the sources of high energy particles and photons, (2) the details of particle transportation in the galaxy, and (3) signatures of dark matter, in either the high energy electron and/or gamma-ray spectrum. The unique feature of CALET is its thick, fully active calorimeter that allows well into the TeV region with excellent energy resolution, coupled with a fine imaging upper calorimeter to accurately identify the starting point of electromagnetic showers. It is in the TeV region that we anticipate being able to observe, for the first time, an unambiguous signature of energetic particles accelerated in specific sources in our local region of the galaxy and then propagated to Earth.

研究内容ダミー1The Calorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is an astrophysics mission for the International Space Station(ISS) that addresses some of the most fundamental questions of contemporary Astroparticle Physics. The major purposes of the CALET mission are to search for signatures of dark matter and to provide the highest energy direct measurements of the cosmic ray electron spectrum in order to observe discrete sources of high energy particle acceleration in our local region of the galaxy. CALET will be launched by H2B Transfer Vehicle (HTV) in 2014 for a five-year observation period in collaboration with JAXA (Japan), NASA (USA), and ASI (Italy).
