

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科





Holger Motz [教授]
homepage https://motzlab.w.waseda.jp/
専門分野 宇宙線物理学
キーワード 宇宙線観測
2006年 エルランゲン大学理学部 卒業
2011年 エルランゲン大学理学部 博士(理学)
2012年 東京大学宇宙線研究所 特任研究員
2013年 早稲田大学理工研究所 次席研究員
2014年 早稲田大学理工学術院国際教育センター 助教
2018年 早稲田大学理工学術院国際理工学センター 准教授
2023年 神奈川大学工学部 プロジェクト研究員
2023年 現職


荷電粒子である宇宙線は、その発生源から地球への旅の途中で銀河磁場によって偏向されるため、その到達方向は発生源の方向には戻らない。 磁場や星間物質との相互作用により、宇宙線はエネルギーを失い、エネルギースペクトルが変化し、二次宇宙線が生成される。したがって、宇宙線の起源と伝搬について一緒に研究する必要がある。 CALorimetric Electron Telescope(CALET)は、国際宇宙ステーション(ISS)に設置された宇宙線検出器で、2015年から稼働している。その主な目的は、TeVエネルギー領域までの電子・陽電子宇宙線のエネルギースペクトルを高精度で直接測定することである。


Holger Motz [Professor]
homepage https://motzlab.w.waseda.jp/
research field Cosmic Ray Physics
keywords cosmic ray observation
cosmic ray acceleration
cosmic ray propagation
dark matter
2006 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Faculty of Science, Physics Diploma
2011 University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Faculty of Science, Doctor of Natural Sciences
2012 The University of Tokyo, Institute for Cosmic Ray Research, Project Researcher
2013 Waseda University, Research Institute for Science and Engineering, Junior Researcher
2014 Waseda University, International Center for Science and Engineering Programs, Assistant Professor
2018 Waseda University, Global Center for Science and Engineering, Associate Professor
2023 Kanagawa University, Faculty of Engineering, Project Researcher
2023 Current Position

Cosmic Rays are particles (nuclei, elementary particles) with high kinetic energy in space. They are accelerated by astrophysical objects with strong magnetic fields such as supernova remnants (SNR) and pulsars, and might also be created in the annihilation or decay of dark matter, which makes them a messenger for studying these phenomena. Since the energy range of cosmic rays far exceeds the upper limit of man-made particle accelerators, they are also a valuable tool to study physical processes at extreme energies.

Being charged particles, cosmic rays are deflected by the galactic magnetic field on their journey from their sources to Earth, so their arrival direction does not point back towards their source. In interaction with the magnetic field and interstellar medium, the cosmic rays also lose energy which modifies their energy spectrum and secondary cosmic rays are produced. Therefore, it is necessary to study the origin and propagation of cosmic rays together.

The CALorimetric Electron Telescope (CALET) is a cosmic-ray detector on the International Space Station (ISS), in operation since 2015. Its main objective is to directly measure the energy spectrum of electron and positron cosmic rays up into the TeV energy range with high precision. This laboratory’s research focuses on the analysis of CALET data and interpretation of the observation results, aiming at finding signatures of nearby SNR cosmic-ray sources as well as of dark matter annihilation or decay. In this context, we also study models of cosmic ray acceleration and propagation as well as those of dark matter candidate particles.




市川 幸平 [准教授]
homepage https://motigomeman.wordpress.com/
専門分野 超巨大ブラックホール
キーワード 超巨大ブラックホール

ガリレオ・ガリレイが望遠鏡を作成して宇宙を観測してから400年。観測装置の発展と人々の叡智の積み重ねによって様々な天体が発見され、我々が持っている宇宙観を劇的に変化させました。その中で、天文学者を含めて多くの人々を魅了し続けている天体の一つがブラックホールです。この未知の天体ですが、実は宇宙にはたくさん存在します。例えば、我々が住んでいる天の川銀河や、宇宙に数多く存在する銀河の中心を見てやると、ほぼ必ず超巨大ブラックホール (supermassive black holes; SMBHs) がいるらしいことがわかってきています。その一方で、このようなSMBHがどうやって誕生したのか? あるいはどうやってここまで大きく太ったのか?については、まだまだあんまり知ることが出来ていません。

このようなSMBH、普段は静かで観測も難しいのですが、一旦周りにガスが集まってくると、SMBHの重力ポテンシャルにガスが落ち込み、ガスの位置エネルギーが熱エネルギーに変換され、そこから光が出てきて、見事非常に明るい天体に変化します。このような天体は活動銀河核と呼ばれます。この活動銀河核を利用して中心にいるSMBHのあらゆる情報 (SMBHの質量や太る速さ) を引き出すことで、SMBHの成長の詳細を調べ、宇宙全体のSMBHの活動を掌握するのが私の研究の目標です。もっと詳しい話を知りたい方は、私のウェブサイトをご覧ください。

VLA望遠鏡とアルマ望遠鏡の観測から得られたArp 187の電波画像 (VLA 4.86 GHzに青、VLA 8.44GHzに緑、アルマ望遠鏡 133 GHzに赤を割り当てた擬似カラー画像)。2つの電波構造が見えるが、中心核 (画像中央部)は暗く、活動銀河核が「死につつある」ことがわかる。(クレジット:ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Ichikawa et al.)

Kohei Ichikawa [Associate professor]
homepage https://motigomeman.wordpress.com/
research field Multiwavelength Astronomy
keywords Supermassive Black Hole
Multiwavelength Astronomy
Observational Astronomy
Please see the link below

In our universe, there are a tremendous number of galaxies. Thanks to the significant observational efforts of the past 30 years, astronomers now believe that there is at least one supermassive black hole (SMBH) with a mass ranging from 10^6 to 10^10 times that of the Sun. Remarkably, these SMBHs are ubiquitously situated at the center of each galaxy, including our very own Milky Way. However, the exact process of how SMBHs form and accumulate such enormous masses remains a mystery.

Active galactic nuclei (AGN) serve as the primary focus of these studies, as they accrete surrounding gas and convert gravitational potential energy into copious amounts of heat and thermal radiation. Despite AGN emitting intense radiation across various wavelengths, my research centers on two key spectral bands crucial for understanding SMBH growth. One is X-ray radiation, which emanates directly from the nucleus and provides insight into the current power of AGN. The other critical band is infrared (IR) radiation, which arises from the surrounding dust heated by the central engine. Infrared observations allow us to gauge the quantity of dust, or future ‘fuel’ for AGN, located around the central engine.

The radio band composite image of Arp 187 obtained by VLA and ALMA telescopes (blue: VLA 4.86 GHz, green: VLA 8.44 GHz, red: ALMA 133 GHz). The image shows clear bimodal jet lobes, but the central nucleus (center of the image) is dark/non-detection, indicating that central AGN is “dying”. © ALMA (ESO/NAOJ/NRAO), Ichikawa et al.




辻川 信二[教授]
homepage https://www.tsujikawa.phys.waseda.ac.jp
専門分野 宇宙物理学,一般相対論
「現代物理学に関する国際学会誌D」 編集委員
「一般相対論および重力」 国際学会組織委員

近年の観測技術の進歩に伴い,宇宙論の研究は急速な進展を見せている. 特に,

  • 量子重力理論,弦理論に基づく宇宙初期の進化
  • 宇宙背景輻射(CMB)と宇宙の大規模構造の起源となる,原始密度揺らぎの進化
  • 現在の宇宙を支配する暗黒エネルギー,暗黒物質の起源
  • ブラックホール・中性子星のような強重力天体と重力波


  • インフレーション模型の理論的な構築と観測的な検証
  • 宇宙初期(再加熱期)の粒子生成
  • 宇宙論的密度揺らぎ,原始重力波の進化
  • 宇宙背景輻射の温度揺らぎ
  • 宇宙の大規模構造の進化と暗黒物質
  • 暗黒エネルギーの起源
  • 一般相対論を拡張した理論の構築と観測的な兆候
  • ブラックホール・中性子星の物理と,強重力領域における重力理論の検証



Shinji Tsujikawa [Professor]
homepage https://www.tsujikawa.phys.waseda.ac.jp
research field Cosmology
General Relativity
research keywords
Cosmic microwave background
Large-scale structures
Dark energy
Extended theories of gravity
Black holes
Neutron stars

Cosmology and General Relativity

With the development of observational techniques over the past few decades, the research on cosmology has made enormous progress. By exploiting observational data, it is now possible to probe the physics like

  • Evolution of the early universe based on quantum gravity and string theory
  • Growth of primordial density perturbations for the origins of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) temperature anisotropies and large-scale structures
  • Dark energy and dark matter
  • Black holes, neutron stars, and gravitational waves

In our lab, we are working on a wide variety of research topics related to cosmology and general relativity listed below.

  • Construction of inflationary models and their observational constraints
  • Particle production in the early Universe
  • Evolution of primordial perturbations including gravitational waves
  • CMB temperature anisotropies
  • Dark matter and growth of large-scale structures
  • Dark energy—construction of theoretical models and observational constraints
  • Extended theories of gravity and their observational signatures
  • Physics of black holes and neutron stars, and testing the regime of strong gravity through gravitational waves

In particular, we probe the physics in the early Universe like inflation by using the latest observational data of CMB.  We also try to understand the source for late-time cosmic acceleration from the theoretical viewpoint and place constraints on dark energy models from observational data including supernovae type-Ia and CMB (see the figure below).  The underlying physics of two epochs of cosmic acceleration in the early and late Universe has not been completely understood yet, so we would like to approach the origins of them by using numerous observational data including gravitational waves first detected in 2015.

Ultimately, we aim to construct a viable cosmological model consistent with observations in theories beyond General Relativity and Standard Model of particle physics.

Observational constraints on dark energy models from CMB




小池 茂昭 [教授]
homepage https://www.f.waseda.jp/skoike/index.html
専門分野 応用解析、完全非線型偏微分方程式
粘性解・正則性理論・自由境界問題・動的計画原理1981年 早稲田大学理工学部物理学科卒業
1988年 早稲田大学理工学部・助手
1989年 東京都立大学理学部・助手
1989年 理学博士(早稲田大学)
1992年 埼玉大学理学部・助教授
2002年 埼玉大学理学部・教授
2010年 日本数学会 JMSJ論文賞
2012年 東北大学理学部・教授
2016年 日本数学会 解析学賞
2019年 早稲田大学理工学術院・教授





Shigeaki Koike [Professor]
homepage https://www.f.waseda.jp/skoike/index.html
research field Applied Analysis, Fully Nonlinear PDEs
research keywords・career
Viscosity Solutions・Regularity Theory・Free Boundary Problems・Dynamic Programming Principle1988 Research Associate (Waseda University)
1989 Research Associate (Tokyo Metropolitan University)
1989 Phd (Waseda University)
1992 Associate Professor (Saitama University)
2002 Professor (Saitama University)
2010 JMSJ Outstanding Paper Prize
2012 Professor (Tohoku University)
2016 Analysis Prize
2019 Professor (Waseda University)
Viscosity solution theory of fully nonlinear PDE and applications

Various phenomena arising in physics, biology, chemistry can be described by PDEs (partial differential equations), which have been studied as a big research area of mathematics. To consider more realistic models, we are forced to work in nonlinear PDEs.

In research of PDEs, it is almost impossible to obtain solutions expressed by concrete functions. Instead, we first look for a candidate of solutions (solutions in a weak sense) called “weak solutions”, then we try to show that it is a true solution. The second part is called regularity theory which is a never-ending story in PDE theory. For PDEs from natural sciences, weak solutions are considered in the distribution sense developed by L. Schwartz in 1940s. Roughly speaking, the notion of weak solutions in the distribution sense is defined via the integration by parts.

On the other hand, to deal with PDEs arising in Engineerings/Optimal Control Theory via Dynamic Programming Principle, we cannot integrate them by parts. Such PDEs are categorized in fully nonlinear type. In fact, such PDEs also appear in the field of geometry in mathematics.

To study fully nonlinear elliptic/parabolic PDEs, Crandall and Lions introduced a new notion of weak solutions called “viscosity solutions” in early 1980. Afterwards, huge amount of research of its theory and various applications such as game theory, mathematical finance, curvature flows etc. have been done by many mathematicians. The notion of viscosity solutions is derived through the maximum principle: “If a function attains its maximum at a point, then the second derivative cannot be positive”

It is surprising to know that two big inventions come from easy facts which even high-school students understand.

My recent interests are mainly the regularity theory of viscosity solutions, which is far from an easy task but many of my students work around this field with flexible brains.




井上 昭雄 [教授]
homepage http://www.obsap.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
専門分野 観測宇宙物理学
最遠方銀河、宇宙再電離、銀河形成進化、星間物理学、宇宙塵、惑星系形成1998年 京都大学理学部 卒業
2003年 京都大学大学院理学研究科 修了 博士(理学)
2004年 日本学術振興会海外特別研究員 フランス・マルセイユ天体物理学研究所
2005年 大阪産業大学教養部 講師
2008年 大阪産業大学教養部 准教授
2017年 大阪産業大学デザイン工学部 准教授
2019年 現職





Akio Inoue [Professor]
e-mail http://www.obsap.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
homepage http://www.obsap.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
research field Observational astrophysics
research keywords・career
Most distant galaxies, cosmic reionization, galaxy formation and evolution, interstellar physics, cosmic dust, planet formation1998 Kyoto University, Faculty of Science
2003 Kyoto University, Graduate School of Science, D.Sc.
2004 JSPS Post-doctoral fellow for research abroad at Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille
2005 Assistant professor at Osaka Sangyo University, College of General Education
2008 Associate professor at Osaka Sangyo University, College of General Education
2017 Associate professor at Osaka Sangyo University, Faculty of Design Technology
2019 Current position
Observational astrophysics

Using world’s cutting-edge astronomical facilities such as ALMA, Subaru and Hubble Space Telescope, I am working on the topics of the history of the Universe where we live and the formation and evolution of galaxies.

The current cosmic age is estimated at 13.8 billion years (Figure 1). During the first 1 billion years, the first objects and galaxies were expected to be formed theoretically. Observationally, it is difficult to find such objects because they are so faint due to the smallness and great distances. Fortunately, we discovered a galaxy at 13.3 billion light-years by using ALMA (published in Nature, 2018; Figure 2).

In the same era, cosmic reionization happened. This is a phenomenon that the matter in the Universe was ionized by strong ultraviolet radiation from astronomical objects
after it became once neutral at about 400 thousands years after the Big Bang when the matter was first ionized. I am exploring what kind of objects (galaxies or blackholes) actually ionized the Universe and how reionization proceeded.

In addition, there are also many interesting objects located in the Milky Way. For example, many discovery reports are coming up about extrasolar planets. I am also studying how such planetary systems form.




智洋  [教授]
homepage   http://tkita.w.waseda.jp/
専門分野  光集積デバイス、シリコンフォトニクス
シリコンフォトニクス、半導体レーザー1998年 早稲田大学理工学部電気電子情報工学科卒業
2003年 北陸先端科学技術大学院大学材料科学研究科博士後期課程修了
2003年 科学技術振興機構半導体スピントロニクスプロジェクト・博士研究員
2007年 東北大学工学研究科通信工学専攻・助教
2016年 東北大学工学研究科通信工学専攻・准教授
2018年 早稲田大学理工学術院・准教授
2022年- 早稲田大学理工学術院・教授

近年のインターネットの高速化やスマートフォンの普及は人間の生活スタイルに大きな変革をおこしてきました。さらに今後はIoT(Internet of Things)や自動運転などの新しい技術の普及によって、より便利で安全な社会が実現されていくでしょう。これらの情報通信技術の飛躍的な進歩は光ファイバーを介した光通信技術によって支えられています。多くの情報を光信号に変換して通信を行うために、高機能な半導体レーザーや石英PLC(Planer Lightwave Circuit)、光ファイバー等の光デバイスが開発されてきました。しかしながら従来技術の改良だけでは今後の急増する情報通信量に対応する事は難しく革新的な光デバイスの作製技術が待望されています。

光デバイスの小型化・低消費電力化を実現するための切り札として期待されているのがシリコンフォトニクスと呼ばれる、超小型の光デバイスを微小なシリコンチップ上に高密度に集積化する技術です。シリコンは地球上に豊富に存在しCPUやメモリなどの電子デバイスの原料として20世紀の科学技術の主役となってきましたが、21世紀初頭よりシリコンフォトニクスの研究・開発が世界的に活発に行われています。シリコンフォトニクスは、洗練された電子デバイスの作製技術を利用することで高精度・低製造コストに多数の光デバイスを集積化させた光集積チップの実現を可能にします。我々の研究室では、このようなシリコンフォトニクスを応用した集積光デバイスの研究を行っています。図1に任意の波長のレーザー光を出力する事が可能な波長可変レーザーの写真、様々な波長でレーザー発振させた時の光出力の波長スペクトルを重ね合わせた結果を図2に示します。本レーザーは2 mm×3 mmという非常に小さなチップサイズでありながら従来の半導体レーザーを上回る性能を持つ事を実証しています。さらにシリコンだけでなく化合物半導体量子ドット、機能性ポリマーなどの異種材料もシリコン上に集積化する事で従来のデバイスでは成し得なかった集積光デバイスの高機能化・多機能化が可能になると考えています。


Tomohiro Kita [Professor]
homepage http://tkita.w.waseda.jp/
research field Integrated optical devices, Silicon photonics
research keywords・career
Silicon Photonics, Semiconductor LaserBachelor of Electrical engineering March, 1998
Waseda University
Master of Material Science March, 2000
Doctor of Material Science March, 2003
Japan Advanced Institute of Science and TechnologyPostdoctoral researcher April, 2003-August, 2007
Japan Science and Technology Agency
Assistant professor September, 2007-April, 2016
Tohoku University
Associate professor May, 2016-March, 2018
Tohoku University
Associate professor April, 2018-March, 2022
Waseda University
Professor April, 2022-Present
Waseda University





高山 あかり  [准教授]
専門分野  表面物理学
薄膜, 表面, 界面, ARPES, STM, 伝導測定2008年 福島大学 教育学部 卒業
2010年 東北大学大学院 理学研究科物理学専攻修士課程 修了
2010-2013年 日本学術振興会特別研究員(DC1)
2013年 東北大学大学院 理学研究科物理学専攻博士課程 修了
2013-2014年 東北大学 原子分子材料科学高等研究機構
2014-2018年 東京大学 大学院理学系研究科物理学専攻 助教
2018年- 現職


 また、最近では、結晶表面に別の元素の原子を結合させて人工的に作成した「表面超構造」や「原子層物質」の研究も盛んに行われています。2010年ノーベル物理学賞の研究対象であるグラフェンは、3次元結晶であるグラファイトを限界まで薄くした2次元の原子層物質で、高易動度・高柔軟性・高安定性などの点から注目を集めています。鉄とセレンの化合物であるFeSeは、3次元結晶では7.2Kで超伝導に転移しますが、 SrTi03基板の上に1層だけ成長させることで超伝導転移温度が100Kを超えることが報告されています。2016年ノーベル物理学賞の理論が元になったトポロジカル絶縁体は、3次元結晶部分は絶縁体であるが2次元表面部分は金属、といった不思議な性質を持っています。


Akari Takayama [Associate professor]
research field Surface Physics
research keywords
Thin film, Surface, Interface, ARPES, STM, Transport
Surface Science

A surface, which is the edge of an object, have different properties from three-dimensional (3D) crystal. A crystal is a solid material whose constituents (such as atoms, molecules, or ions) are arranged in a highly ordered microscopic structure in three-dimensional axes. But every cystal always has its edge, namely surface, as always there is an end in things.In the surface, the periodicity of crystal is broken, so it was treated as an obstacle to understanding the properties of crystals. In recent years, many researches which focus on surface perfomed since various experimental machines have developed.

-Graphene, which is the thinnest graphite, is garnering attention from the viewpoint of high mobility, high flexibility, and high stability.
-FeSe, a compound of iron and selenium, been reported that the superconducting transition temperature is above 100 K by growing one-layer on the SrTiO3 substrate, although the 3D bulk cystal becomes to superconductivity at 7.2 K.
-The topological insulator is known as an insulator in its interior but whose surface contains conducting states.

We can understand the physical properties if we know how the electronic properties. It is also important to investigate physical properties. Of course, we need to know surcase structure. In our laboratory, To clarify the physical properties in low-dimentional system, we perform various experiments by using scanning tunneling electron microscope, photoelectron spectroscopy, electron / positron diffraction, and so on.




望月 維人  [教授]
homepage https://mochizuki.w.waseda.jp/
専門分野 理論物性物理学
凝縮系物理学、強相関電子系、創発物性科学、スピントロニクス1998年 東京大学理学部物理学科卒業
2003年 東京大学大学院理学系研究科物理学専攻 博士課程修了 博士(理学)
2003年 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
2006年 理化学研究所 基礎科学特別研究員
2007年 科学技術振興機構戦略的創造研究推進事業研究員
2009年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科・特任講師
2013年 青山学院大学理工学部物理・数理学科・准教授
2013年 科学技術振興機構さきがけ研究員(兼任)
2017年 早稲田大学先進理工学部応用物理学科・教授





Masahito Mochizuki [Professor]
homepage https://mochizuki.w.waseda.jp/
research field Theoretical condensed-matter physics
research keywords
Condensed matter physics
Strongly correlated electron systems
Emergent materials science

Theoretical studies on emergent phenomena of materials

We are theoretically investigating dramatic physical phenomena and rich device functions of materials such as magnets, electrics, superconductors, metals and insulators. Our starting points are microscopic models, which describe kinetics and interactions of electrons in materials based on quantum mechanics. The electrons have charge, spin, and orbital degrees of freedom, which mutually couple and correlate. Taking account of the interplays between these degrees of freedom, we first construct mathematical models for the materials. Analyzing thus constructed models using quantum mechanics, statistical mechanics, quantum field theory, and numerical techniques, we explore physics behind the amazing phenomena and predict novel physical properties and materials functions.

Properties of individual electrons are understood well, which faithfully obey quantum mechanical laws. However, once many electrons gather, the situation is no longer the same as  the case of a single electron, owing to keen competition and cooperation among them. Assembly of vast amounts of electrons show drastic and rich physical phenomena, e.g., magnetism, phase transitions, superconductivities, colossal magnetoresistance. We attack these inconceivable and spectacular phenomena with pencils, papers, computers and enthusiasms as our weapons.




澤田 秀之  [教授]
homepage http://www.sawada.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
専門分野 計測・情報工学研究
1990年 早稲田大学理工学部応用物理学科 卒業
1992年 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科 修士課程修了
1992年~1994年 三井金属鉱業株式会社 勤務
1995年~1998年 日本学術振興会特別研究員DC1
1998年 早稲田大学理工学部・助手
1999年 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科 博士課程修了 博士(工学)
1999年 香川大学工学部知能機械システム工学科・准教授
2010年 情報処理学会論文賞 受賞
2010年 香川大学工学部知能機械システム工学科・教授
2017年 早稲田大学理工学術院・教授



1) 画像・音響研究グループ: 人間のように見たいもの聴きたいものを柔軟に選択して理解する計測・認識技術の研究

2) 触覚研究グループ: 皮膚下の触覚受容器を直接的に刺激して触覚感覚を創り出し、呈示するためのアクチュエータ、人のように触覚感覚を理解するセンサの研究。また、微小な形状記憶合金(SMA)ワイヤを使ったセンサとアクチュエータのダイナミクス解析と動作モデルの研究

3) ロボティクス研究グループ: 人と機械の柔軟なインタラクションの実現を目指したロボット技術、メカトロニクスの研究開発

4) 人工知能研究グループ: 人体モデルの制御や人の認知機構を実現する人工知能、学習機械、計算機インテリジェンスに関する研究


左:音声対話ロボット 右:SMAマイクロアクチュエータ

Hideyuki Sawada [Professor]
homepage http://www.sawada.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
research field Measurement and Information Engineering
research keywords
Image & Sound processing
Tactile and haptic applications
Artificial intelligence
Human interface

Measurement and Information Engineering / Understanding and Reproducing Human Intelligence, Intuition and Behavior

Humans communicate with one another by using not only verbal media but also the five senses such as vision, auditory sense and tactile/touch sensation effectively using their bodies. Information transmitted through the five senses is especially able to affect our emotion and feelings directly making for smooth communication. Visual and auditory mechanisms are widely realized by engineering techniques by employing cameras, visual monitors, microphones and speakers, which are commercially available in common, however no standardized devices for recognizing and displaying tactile sensations have been introduced so far. Light and sounds are directly perceived by our biological organs such as eyes and ears, on the other hand, the sense of touch or the tactile sensation is generated by the physical phenomena that occur at the contact location between the skin and the object. The human skin includes four main tactile receptors, which are Merkel discs, Meissner corpuscles, Ruffini endings and Pacinian corpuscles, to react to different physical stimuli given to the skin, and humans recognize the tactile sensation as somatic sensation according to the nerve signal transmitted from the receptors to the brain.

In this laboratory, the human tactile and haptic sensations are studied as one of the research topics, and the micro sensors and actuators are being developed for recognizing and displaying various tactile sensation as humans do. Such sensors and actuators will be applied for the realization of touching and manipulating objects placed in a distant place, as visual and auditory information are commonly employed for tele-communication. We also study robotics technologies for realizing new relationship between humans and machines. Based on the consideration of human five senses, new sensing, actuating and controlling techniques through the integration of visual, auditory and tactile information are developed. In these studies, the understanding of human intellect, emotion and intuitive behaviors is necessary, and the computational intelligence and the neural computation are also the researching topics along with the development of intelligent measurement and control techniques.

This laboratory is newly established in 2017, and the following research projects are mainly going on.

1) Image and auditory information research team:
Studies of intelligent measurement, recognition and synthesis techniques referring to human behaviors to realize human-like computation and robots.

2) Tactile and haptic research team:
The development of a tactile display to generate various tactile sensations by stimulating four tactile receptors under the skin. Micro-deformation actuators using shape-memory alloy (SMA) wires are developed for generating micro-vibration with various frequencies, and the control techniques are also studied. By employing the tactile actuators, new multimodal VR and AR environment is constructed as the tactile and haptic applications.

3) Robotics research team:
Robotic and mechatronic technologies are studied to realize new intuitive and flexible communication among humans and machines. A talking and singing robot having mechanical vocalization organs like a human is one of the research subjects, which autonomously learn and acquire vocalization skill like a human baby by employing the auditory-feedback learning mechanism.

4) Artificial intelligence research team:
Studies of artificial and computational intelligence, and the neural network for the control of robotic organs and the realization of human perceptive mechanism.

We also have joint and collaborative research projects with foreign Universities, and actively conduct student exchange.

Left: Voice communication robot  Right: SMA micro-actuators




安田 賢二  [教授] yasuda
e-mail yasuda
homepage www.yasuda.phys.waseda.ac.jp
専門分野 生物物理学
  • 生命システムの後天的獲得情報の処理機構の理解
  • 構成的手法を用いた細胞ネットワークシステムの協同性、集団効果の理解(心筋細胞・神経細胞ネットワークなど)
  • 免疫細胞の自他認識、標識部位抽出能力等の情報処理の解明
  • 転移がん機構の解明
  • 生体分子モーターの力学・化学エネルギー変換機構の理解
  • 筋収縮系の自励振動メカニズムの解明
  • 筋収縮系・細胞骨格系の構造と機能の再構築
  • 人工細胞・細胞分裂機構の解明
  • 分子の自己組織化:超分子システムの1分子機能と分子協調
  • 細胞チップを用いた創薬支援技術の開発
  • イメージングセルソーター技術、液滴操作技術の開発
  • 超音波輻射圧の物性の研究
  • 日本生物物理学会
  • 米国生物物理学会
  • 日本音響学会
  • 米国音響学会
  • 日本応用物理学会



yasuda2わたしたちは、この生命の各階層での要素1単位とその集団効果について、構成的な手法を用いて解明を進めています。たとえば、化学・力学エネルギー変換システムである生体分子モーターについては、その1分子の機構の解明と、これが自己組織化した筋原線維の集団的協同(振動)現象を、細胞レベルでは、心筋細胞や神経細胞1細胞の振る舞いと、これが空間配置を持って集団化したときの振る舞いの比較解析を行い、そこから「臓器モデル」ともいえる最小の細胞ネットワークチップなども構築に成功しており、創薬スクリーニングでの応用も始まりつつあります。このように、生物物理学の生物学との最大の違いは、物理法則の理解の上に立った生命現象の理解なのですが、もう一つの特徴 として、理解するために必要な技術も自分たちで創り上げています。

Kenji Yasuda [Professor] yasuda
e-mail yasuda
homepage www.yasuda.phys.waseda.ac.jp
research field Biophysics
research keywords
  • Acquisition and adaptation mechanism of epigenetic information in living system
  • Synchronization and community effect of cells as a network system in cardiomyocytes and neurons
  • Recognition and identification mechanism of targets in immune system
  • Cancer metastasis examination method and screening of cancer metastasis suppression agent
  • Mechano-chemical cupling and energy conversion mechanism in single molecular motors
  • Spontaneous Oscillation in muscle contractile system
  • Structural characteristics and functions in keletal/cardiac muscles
  • Artifical cell formation as synthetic biology
  • On-chip screening assay of human iPS cells for drug discovery and safety checking
  • Imagng cell sorter system and water droplet handling technology
  • Acoustic radiation force and its applications

The cells in a group are individual entities, and differences arise even among cells with identical genetic information that have grown under the same conditions. These cells respond differently to perturbations. Why and how do these differences arise? Cells are minimum units determining their responses through genetic and epigenetic information like the history of interactions between them and fluctuations in environmental conditions affecting them. To understand the rules underlying possible differences occurring in cells, we need to develop methods of simultaneously evaluating both the genetic and epigenetic information. In other words, if we are to understand adaptation processes, community effects, and the meaning of cell network patterns, we need to analyze their epigenetic information. We thus started a project focusing on developing a system that could be used to evaluate the epigenetic information in cells by continuously observing specific examples and their interactions under controlled conditions. The importance of understanding epigenetic information is expected to become apparent in cell-based biological and medical fields like cell-based drug screening and the regeneration of organs from stem cells, fields where phenomena cannot be interpreted without taking epigenetic factors into account.

We have started a study on the “determination of genetic and epigenetic control processes in cells” using on-chip microfablication techniques and cell-based analysis. To understand the meaning of genetic information and epigenetic correlation in cells, we developed an on-chip single-cell-based microcultivation method. As we can see in Fig. 1, the strategy behind our method is constructive, involving three steps. First, we purify cells from tissue one by one in a nondestructive manner. We then cultivate and observe them under fully controlled conditions (e.g., cell population, network patterns, or nutrient conditions) using an on-chip single-cell cultivation chip or an on-chip agarose microchamber system. Finally, we do single-cell-based expression analysis through photothermal denaturation and single-molecule level analysis. In this way, we can control the spatial distribution and interactions of cells.


The first aim of our single-cell-based study was to develop methods and systems that enable the mechanism responsible for controlling (regulating) cells epigenetically to be analyzed. It is based on the idea that, although genetic information creates a network of biochemical reactions, its history as a parallel-processing recurrent network was ultimately determined by the environmental conditions of cells, which we call epigenetic information. As previously discussed, if we are to understand the events in living systems at the cellular level, we need to bear in mind that epigenetic information complements the genetic information.

The advantage of this approach is that it removes the complexity in underlying physicochemical reactions that are not always completely understood and for which most of the necessary variables cannot be measured. Moreover, this approach shifts the view of cell regulatory processes from a basic chemical ground to a paradigm of the cell as an information-processing unit working as an intelligent machine capable of adaptating to changing environmental and internal conditions. This is an alternative representation of the cell and can bring new insights into cellular processes. Thus, models derived from such a viewpoint can directly help in more traditional biochemical and molecular biological analyses that assist in our understanding of control in cells.

The main purpose of our study is to develop on-chip single-cell-based cultivation and analysis systems to monitor dynamic processes in the cell. We have used these systems to extend ideas from the genetic to the genetic-epigenetic network in investigating topics like variations in cells with the same genetic information, inheritance of non-genetic information between adjacent generations of cells, cellular adaptation processes caused by environmental change, the community effect of cells, and network pattern formation in cell groups (Fig. 2). After sufficient experimental observations, we can understand the role of epigenetic information in modeling more complex signaling cascades. This field has almost been entirely monopolized by physico-chemical models, which provide a good standard for comparison, evaluation, and development with our approach. The ultimate aim of our study is to provide a comprehensive understanding of living systems as products of both genetic and epigenetic information. It would permit us to describe the phenomena occurring in cell systems sufficiently well to be able to interpret and control them.

