

早稲田大学 理工学術院 先進理工学部 物理学科・応用物理学科





上田 太郎  [教授] uyeda
e-mail uyeda
homepage www.qp.phys.waseda.ac.jp
専門分野 生物物理学・生化学
  • 細胞が動く仕組み
  • 生体分子モーターの力発生メカニズム
  • たんぱく質フィラメントの協同的構造多型性
  • 日本生物物理学会
  • 日本細胞性粘菌学会





Taro Uyeda [Professor] uyeda
e-mail uyeda
homepage www.qp.phys.waseda.ac.jp 
research field Biophysics, Biochemistry
research keywords
  • Movements of cells
  • Molecular motors
  • Structural polymorphism of actin filaments
English title will be added.

“Movement” is intrinsic to life. It is fascinating to observe aspects of movements such as moving cells and molecular motors under a microscope. Our goal is to understand the mechanisms of cell motility through research at cellular and molecular level. We are particularly interested in cellular slime molds as a model organism with unique characteristics of eukaryotic cell movement, and in actin filaments, one of the major components of the cytoskeletal system.

Actin is a highly conserved protein and one of the most abundant in eukaryotic cells. It is becoming clear that actin has a highly polymorphic structure and it exhibits cooperative behavior. Currently, we are mainly focused on research involving structural polymorphism and functional differentiation of actin filaments.




長谷川 剛  [教授] 顔写真(長谷川剛)
e-mail mail_hasegawa
homepage https://thasega.w.waseda.jp/
専門分野 物性物理学
1985年 東京工業大学理学部物理学科卒業
1987年 東京工業大学大学院修士課程修了
1987-1999年 日立製作所中央研究所
1996年 博士(理学)東京工業大学
1999-2002年 理化学研究所
2002-2015年 物質・材料研究機構
2007年 文部科学大臣表彰科学技術賞(研究部門)
2015年 早稲田大学理工学術院 教授








Tsuyoshi Hasegawa [Professor] 顔写真(長谷川剛)
e-mail mail_hasegawa
homepage https://thasega.w.waseda.jp/
research field Nano-science, Nano-electronics, Surface physics
research keywords
Atomic switch
Solid-state ionics
Scanning probe microscopy
Electrochemical reaction
Fascinated by the World of Atoms

The same carbon atoms can be diamond or graphite depending on how they are arranged in space; the area of research that we pursue is in such a world of wonder. My research began with the graduation research to study the arrangement of atoms on material surfaces with the use of a high-resolution electron microscope. While most materials are composed of atoms in a perfect array, there are cases where atomic arrangements are observed on the surface that are different from those inside the material.


‘Atom manipulation’, which is now considered to be relatively easy to do, was a challenging research subject those days. Fig. 1 shows letters written by removing sulfur atoms from the surface of molybdenum disulfide. I worked on such tasks while I was with the Hitachi Central Research Laboratory. Hitachi values fundamental research, and I am grateful to the company for its extreme generosity.

Now my major research subjects cover clarification of phenomena on the atomic and molecular scale, and applications to devices, including the development of a new nanodevice ‘Atomic Switch’ using the transfer of atoms. I have been continuously engaged in research of ‘Observation of Atoms’, ’Manipulation of Atoms’ and ‘Utilization of Atoms’. Part of the resulting research results are in the process of being utilized for product commercialization for enterprises. All the research results were obtained with the use of uniquely developed equipment, which is required in order to pursue cutting-edge research. The conduct of research refers to reducing the number of black boxes (unknowns) one by one. So far as equipment goes, it is desirable that you should know it well enough to repair yourself, as well as understanding its principles.

We welcome students and young scientists who want to enter the nano-world.




溝川 貴司  [教授] mizokawa_figure1
e-mail mail_mizokawa
専門分野 固体物理学・放射光分光




Takashi Mizokawa [Professor] mizokawa_figure1
e-mail mail_mizokawa
research field Solid state physics, Synchrotron radiation spectroscopy
research keywords
Strongly correlated electron systems
Photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectroscopy
X-ray spectroscopy and scattering
Electronic correlation physics research

When a solid surface is irradiated by ultraviolet or x-ray light under vacuum, photoelectrons are emitted from the surface. By measuring the energy and momentum of the photoelectrons, we can study occupied states of the solid (photoemission spectroscopy). On the other hand, we can study unoccupied states of the solid by detecting ultraviolet or x-ray light emitted from the surface under electron beam irradiation (inverse-photoemission spectroscopy). Our research interests primarily focus on electron correlation effect in various electronic states of solids that can be observed by means of the photoemission and inverse-photoemission spectroscopy as well as x-ray spectroscopy/scattering with synchrotron radiation.

In particular, we are interested in transition-metal compounds (d-electron systems) and rare-earth compounds (f-electron systems) that show rich physical properties such as magnetism, superconductivity, and metal-insulator transition. The rich phenomena are derived from the spin, charge, and orbital degrees of freedom of the d– or f-electrons that are coupled with lattice in a complicated manner. We can study their mechanisms on the basis of the electronic structural information from the electron and x-ray spectroscopy experiments. For example, band dispersion can be probed by angle-resolved photoemission spectroscopy as shown in the Figure and can be analyzed by model calculations including electron-electron and electron-lattice interactions.

In addition to the interests in the fundamental electronic structures, useful catalysts and energy materials can be developed using d– and f-electron systems such as Mn clusters for photosynthesis and LixCoO2 cathode for Li-ion battery. By proving the complicated surface or interface electronic states with electron or x-ray spectroscopy, we aim to contribute to improvement or development of future energy materials.




原山卓久 [教授] 原山卓久
専門分野 非線形物理学

1988年 早稲田大学理工学部物理学科卒業
1993年 早稲田大学大学院理工学研究科博士課程修了                                           理学博士(早稲田大学)
1992年 早稲田大学理工学部・助手
1995年 国際電気通信基礎技術研究所・研究員
2009年 NTTコミュニケーション科学基礎研究所・研究員
2011年 東洋大学理工学部・教授
2014年 早稲田大学理工学術院・教授








Takahisa Harayama [Professor] 原山卓久
research field TBD
research keywords

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

English title: in preparation…

English summary in preparation…




青木隆朗 [教授] dummy_photo
e-mail newaokimail
homepage www.qo.phys.waseda.ac.jp
専門分野 量子光学研究

2001 年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科物理工学専攻
2001 年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科 助手
2007 年 科学技術振興機構「さきがけ」専任研究員
2008 年 京都大学大学院理学研究科 特定准教授
2011 年 早稲田大学理工学術院先進理工学部応用物理学科 准教授
2014 年 早稲田大学理工学術院先進理工学部応用物理学科 教授







Takao Aoki [Professor] dummy_photo
e-mail newaokimail
homepage www.qo.phys.waseda.ac.jp
research field Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Science, and Nano-Photonics
research keywords
Quantum Optics
Quantum Information Science
Quantum Electronics
Nonlinear Optics

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Quantum Optics, Quantum Information Science, and Nano-Photonics

A cavity quantum electrodynamics (QED) system, in which an atom is coupled to the quantized electromagnetic fields (light) of an optical cavity, can be described with three characteristic parameters: g, the rate of coherent exchange of energy between the atom and cavity fields, γ, the rate of the decay of the atomic dipole, and κ, the rate of the decay of the cavity field. When the cavity has extremely high finesse and small mode volume, the condition of strong coupling, g >> γ , κ , can be achieved. In the strong coupling regime, coherent interaction of the cavity field and the atom dominates the dissipation of the system, and a single atom gives rise to a strong nonlinearity in optical responses and nonclassical statistics for light at the single-photon level, while a single photon appreciably affects the quantum state of the atom. In such a system, it is possible to generate highly quantum (nonclassical) states or to observe novel phenomena that are normally hampered by dissipation in other systems. This is applicable to quantum information science (e.g., nonclassical light sources, scalable quantum logic with photons, quantum networks connected with light), ultra-low threshold optical devices, and single atom/molecule detecting devices.

Progress in the research of cavity QED has been made with systems of single atoms coupled to Fabry-Perot cavities. In order to overcome the inherent limitation of these conventional cavities for scaling to large numbers and for coupling to single-mode optical fibers with high efficiency, the development of alternative types of cavities has been pursued.

In our current research, we utilize microtoroidal resonators to build on-chip cavity QED systems. Microtoroidal resonators are fabricated by standard lithographic techniques and can be directly coupled to single-mode optical fibers with extremely high efficiency. We are currently working to build scalable multiple cavity QED systems and are seeking for applications to quantum information science with light.

Scanning electron microscope (SEM) image of a microtoroidal resonator, which is monolithically fabricated on a silicon chip by using standard photolithography and etching techniques. The resonator’s quality factor reaches as high as 108.




森島 繁生  [教授]
homepage https://morishima-lab.jp/
専門分野 Computer Vision
Computer Graphics
Human Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence
1987 年 東京大学大学院工学系研究科博士課程修了
1988 年 成蹊大学工学部電気工学科・助教授
1994 年-1995 年 トロント大学・客員教授
2001 年 成蹊大学工学部電気電子工学科・教授
2004 年 早稲田大学理工学部・教授
2020 年 CG Japan Award受賞
2021 年 IBM Academic Award受賞
情報処理学会フェロー, 画像電子学会フェロー,

1)人物Modelingチーム:人物3次元モデリング 表情アニメーション バーチャルヒューマン
2)Computer Vision・AIチーム:深層学習基礎 生成AI 言語処理 DeepFake対策
3)Rendering・Simulationチーム:流体・クロスシミュレーション フォトリアル高速レンダリング
4)音楽・音響チーム:音源分離 楽器音分離 マルチモーダル認識 リップシンク 読唇
5)Human Computer Interactionチーム:視覚障碍者支援 LLM応用 英文読解支援

実用的に成功した開発技術例として、2005 年の愛・地球博で実装され、164 万人に感動を与えた“Future Cast System” があります。これは長崎のハウステンボスで常設展示化されました。現在は深層学習の時代を迎え、ほとんどの研究テーマでAI手法が導入されています。特に2019年にトップ国際会議の1つICCV(International Conference on Computer Vision)で発表した“PIFu”は、その後のNeural Fieldの先駆的な研究として高く評価され、引用数も4年弱で1000を越えるペースで急激に増加しています。


Shigeo Morishima [Professor]
homepage https://morishima-lab.jp/
research field Physics-based Human Modeling and Image/Signal Processing
Human Computer Interaction
research keywords Computer Vision
Speech/Music Signal Processing
Computer Graphics
Human Computer Interaction
Artificial Intelligence
link https://researchmap.jp/futurecast

The research goal of the Morishima Laboratory is to contribute through advanced technology to all aspects of society, including the application of physics to bring happiness to people, a safe and secure society, a rich lifestyle, and traditional Japanese culture. Our research is characterized by the fact that our ultimate target is human happiness and enrichment of sensibilities and culture, and it is important not to end up with the self-satisfaction of researchers. Specifically, we use physics and mathematics as tools, and through cutting-edge research themes such as digital signal processing (SP), computer vision (CV), computer graphics (CG), and human-computer interaction (CHI), we not only appeal to the world with our technological capabilities, but also contribute to industry by embodying them in the form of tangible content and concretely useful systems.

One of the most successful research applications is “Future Cast System” which was presented at Expo 2005 in Mitsu-Toshiba pavilion where total 1,640,000 people enjoyed the state-of-the-art technology as a digital virtual movie actor. This system moved to Huis Ten Bosch in Nakagasiki as a permanent attraction for 12 years. Now Deep Learning era is coming, we have shifted research topic to AI-based system. One of the most impact research paper was “PIFu” at ICCV 2019 which is one of the top conferences in the Computer Vision field and it has been recognized as the pioneer research in “Neural Field”. It recorded over 1000 in the reference number only in 4 years after presentation.





新倉 弘倫  [教授]
homepage  http://www.f.waseda.jp/niikura/index.html
専門分野 超高速レーザー分光、アト秒物理

2000年 総合研究大学院大学 数物科学研究科
           博士後期課程修了 博士(理学)
2000年 カナダ国立研究機構(National Research Council)
2004年-2012年 科学技術振興機構 さきがけ研究員
2010年 早稲田大学先進理工学部 准教授
2012年 文部科学大臣表彰 科学技術賞(研究部門)
2013年 日本学術振興会賞
2015年 現職

本研究室では、赤外から極端紫外領域の超高速レーザー分光・測定技術の開発と、それを用いた原子や分子の量子ダイナミックスの測定を行っています。測定の時間領域は数フェムト秒(fs, 10-15秒)からアト秒(as, 10-18秒)という極限的な領域で、この時間領域では物質(分子)の構造変化よりも早く運動する電子の刻一刻の姿を測定することが可能です。そのため本研究室では、キャリアエンベロープ位相が安定化した高強度のレーザー系(~6mJ/pulse, 1KHz, 35fs)を用いて高強度5フェムトパルスおよびパルス幅が数百アト秒以下のアト秒パルスを発生し、光電子分光法や吸収分光法と組み合わせることで、原子や分子内の電子運動やそのイオン化過程がどのように起こっているのかを時間分解で測定することや、分子の波動関数をイメージング測定する方法などを開発しています。






Hiromichi Niikura [Professor]
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/niikura/index.html 
research field Attoseconds and Ultra-fast Spectroscopy
research keywords

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)


The best time-resolution of measurements has now reached less than a few-hundred attoseconds (1attosecond = 10-18 s). In this time scale, “pure” electron motion can be explored because most molecular structural changes can eventually be frozen. Our aim is to make advancements in the methodology for ultra-fast measurements and coherent imaging technology for wavefunctions. Attosecond science develops precision measurement technologies, and has a possibility to renew quantum physics because of its excellent time-resolution and unique features for measurements. We focus on the following research subjects:

(1) Attosecond measurement
There are two approaches for attosecond science. One is to use optical pulses with photon energy in the extreme ultraviolet region, which is referred to as “high-harmonic generation.” The other is to use the electron pulses, which is referred to as the “attosecond re-colliding electron.” In both approaches one can measure nuclear and electron dynamics in attosecond time-resolution. For instance, we have measured the molecular vibrational motion of Deuterium and the electron wavepacket motion in ethane on ever-faster time scales. We further try to generate shorter pulses and to develop experimental attosecond approaches for measuring electron dynamics during complex molecular reactions.

(2) Imaging wavefunctions
What is a wavefunction  Can we observe it directly  A wavefunction itself is given by a complex function. According to the statement of Max Born, the square of the amplitude of the wavefunction in unit volume represents the probability to find a particle in the unit volume. On the other hand, taking the square of the amplitude of the wavefunction eliminates the information on the phase. The phase of the wavefunction is critical to understanding chemical reaction dynamics, as has been shown in Frontier Orbital theory. However, so far it has been thought that the wavefunction itself, including the phase information, cannot be observable. On 2004, we showed that attosecond “re-collision” technology made it possible to observe the wavefunction itself. Our approach, referred to as “molecular orbital tomography,” is based on the fact that tunnel ionization and electron re-collision act as a quantum optical interferometer. We will extend this approach in order to apply many molecules and measure dynamical change.

(3) Quantum control of molecules
When we shine intense, short laser pulses on a molecule, a large Stark shift is induced in the energy levels of the molecule. The amount of the Stark shift depends on both the internal and external coordinates of the molecule. Thus, applying short laser pulses to coherently created molecular wavepackets, we can align or orientate molecules, or control the atoms in a molecule. This technique is referred to as “molecular optics.” Using attosecond laser technology, we try to control electron motion in molecules according to our desires in ever faster time scales.
Attosecond electron wavepacket motion in ethane (C2H6). 1as = 1 attosecond = 10-18 second.




多辺 由佳  [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/tabe/index.html
専門分野 ソフトマター物理学研究
1987 年 東京大学工学部物理工学科卒業
1989 年 工業技術院 電子技術総合研究所
            超分子部 研究官
1996 年 博士( 工学) 東京大学
1996 年-1998 年 ハーバード大学物理学科
2005 年 早稲田大学理工学部・教授

液晶ときいて、皆さんは何を思い浮かべるでしょうか。携帯電話、パソコン、テレビなどの表示パネルを始め、薬品や化粧品などにも広く使われている他、私達の身体の中にある生体膜もまた液晶の1 種です。一般に液晶を構成する分子は棒のような形




Yuka Tabe [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.f.waseda.jp/tabe/index.html
research field Non-equilibrium dynamics in 2D liquid crystals
research keywords
Liquid crystals
Non-equilibrium dynamics in softly condensed matter
Cross-coupling of molecular motion and orientation

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Non-equilibrium dynamics in 2D liquid crystals

Two-dimensional liquid crystals (LCs) exhibit unique structures that cannot be found in bulk LCs. LC films of several tens of nanometer in thickness are significantly influenced by the effects of surfaces and interfaces, which, coupled with large molecular fluctuations and fluidity (flexibility), give rise to various spontaneous patterns. Due to our interest in their dynamic properties, we have investigated spatio-temporal molecular movement in LC films induced by weak photo-excitation and transmembrane gas transfer. When an LC monolayer of azobenzene derivatives is formed on a water surface and illuminated by linearly polarized green light, molecular photo-isomerization on the order of a few percent develops into a collective pendulum motion involving the molecules, observed as macroscopic orientational waves. The direction of propagation and the speed of the waves can be determined by the polarization direction and the intensity of the excitation light, respectively. The phenomenon highlights the complex nature of liquid crystallinity. How the random molecular motions couple coherently, resulting in macroscopic wave generation and propagation, is currently being examined. Another unique trait observed in 2D LCs is collective molecular precession driven by transmembrane gas transfer. In chiral LC films, molecules may be regarded as having propellers made of chiral groups, enabling them to rotate in one direction under gas flow across the film like windmills or watermills. Liquid crystalline molecular interactions gradually synchronize the unidirectional but random rotations, resulting in the collective precession clearly visible under an optical microscope. It appears that soft and strong molecular orientational interactions play an essential role in both dynamic structures, but how this motion is transformed from the vastly differing scales ranging from nm to mm and from pico-seconds to micro-seconds is not yet understood. This multi-scale energy transformation is one of the unique properties of soft matter. In addition to inherent scientific interest, an understanding of the process of transformation in the mesoscopic region will help clarify life activities and help make possible soft nano-machines.

Collective precession of chiral molecules in an LC monolayer. The figure above is a schematic drawing of the system. The lower figure shows snapshots taken by a polarizing microscope. When the water vapor molecules permeate the LC monolayer, molecules with chiral propellers exhibit precession in a certain direction. The rate of precession varies linearly with differences in water vapor pressure. Inverting molecular chirality and flow direction will reverse its direction.




竹内 淳 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage https://atacke.w.waseda.jp/
専門分野  半導体デバイス研究
1985 年 大阪大学大学院基礎工学研究科
1993 年 博士(理学)大阪大学
1993 年 マックスプランク固体研究所(独)客員研究員
電子情報通信学会論文賞 受賞
2002 年 早稲田大学理工学部・教授
2004 年 応用物理学会論文賞JJAP 論文賞 受賞

みなさんが普段体験する最も短い時間は、どの程度の時間でしょうか。おそらく普通思い浮かべる時間は「一瞬」という時間でしょう。これは、“まばたきするほどの短い間” で、0.1 秒ほどの時間です。それでは、半導体の中で起こるもっとも速い現象はどの程度の時間で起こるのでしょう? 答は、1兆分の1秒程度の時間ということになります。「1兆分の1秒なんて想像もつかない!」というのが多くの人の感想だと思いますが、どうしてそんなに速い現象を調べるのかというと、半導体を使ったさまざまな素子(トランジスタやレーザなど)に、いっそうの高速化が要求されているからです。これらの素子が高速化されれば、より多くの情報をより迅速に処理することが可能になります。伝達される情報量の飛躍的な拡大と高速化は人類の社会に多大な貢献をすることでしょう。
また、半導体はたんに“速い” ということにとどまらず、“非常に小さい” 人工構造物の世界です。次の写真は、量子ドットと呼ばれる微細な構造の写真(原子間力顕微鏡で撮影したもの)で、10 万分の2 ミリほどの大きさに電子の波を閉じ込めます(1nm = 10-9m)。
Blu-ray DVD などの日本が産んだ新しい技術です。この青色発光半導体の研究にも取り組んでいます。


竹内研究室では、このような微細なナノ構造の中で起こる超高速の現象を調べるために、特殊なレーザから出る光パルスを使っています。光パルスの時間幅は、10 兆分の1秒という極めて短い時間です。超高速の現象を調べ、その物理を探求し、さらに応用に役立てること、それが竹内研究室のテーマです。人類の到達可能な最も速い現象を調べるということは、それだけで充分な知的冒険だと思います。若いみなさんの参加を期待しています。

Atsushi Tackeuchi [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage https://atacke.w.waseda.jp/
research field Manipulation of carriers and spins in semiconductor quantum confined structures
research keywords
Semiconductor physics
Ultrafast phenomena
Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Manipulation of carriers and spins in semiconductor quantum confined structures

Manipulation of electronic spin may provide new flexibility in device operations. Since spin in quantum dots is maintained coherently over nanosecond intervals by three-dimensional quantum confinement effects, the phenomenon may find applications in quantum memory or computing devices. Our research seeks to apply this underdeveloped flexibility for use in future quantum devices and for computing, based on our studies of ultrafast phenomena in semiconductor quantum-confined structures.

At the outset of related work, Tackeuchi realized the inadequacies of conventional time-resolved photoluminescence measurements for observations of very fast picosecond spin relaxation in semiconductors. In response, he proposed and put to use novel pump and probe measurements to observe the spin relaxation of III-V compound semiconductors. He successfully observed for the first time the picosecond spin relaxation process in GaAs quantum wells, InGaAs quantum wells, and bulk GaN. He also demonstrated many interesting aspects of luminescence and tunneling in quantum wells, quantum dots, and the GaN system.

1) “Direct Observation of Picosecond Spin Relaxation of Excitons in GaAs/AlGaAs Quantum Wells using Spin Dependent Optical Nonlinearity,” A. Tackeuchi, S. Muto, T. Inata and T. Fujii, Appl. Phys. Letters 56 (1990) pp. 2213-2215.

” First observations of picosecond spin relaxation in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells”
We proposed and demonstrated a novel observation method using a pump and probe technique, which enabled clear observations of picosecond spin relaxation.

2) “Dynamics of Carrier Tunneling between Vertically Aligned Double Quantum Dots,” A. Tackeuchi, T. Kuroda, K. Mase, Y. Nakata, and N. Yokoyama, Phys. Rev. B, 62 (2000) pp. 1568-1571.

“First time-resolved measurement about carrier tunneling between quantum dots”
We demonstrated that tunneling between quantum dots is one order of magnitude slower than between quantum wells.

3) “Electron Spin Relaxation in InGaAs/InP Multiple-quantum Wells,” A. Tackeuchi, O. Wada and Y. Nishikawa, Appl. Phys. Lett. 70 (1997) pp.1131-1133.

“First observation of spin relaxation in InGaAs quantum wells in which the energy bandgap corresponds to the optical communication wavelength of 1.55 micrometers”

4) “Electron Spin Flip by Antiferromagnetic Coupling between Semiconductor Quantum Dots,” A. Tackeuchi, T. Kuroda, Y. Nakata, M. Murayama, T. Kitamura and N. Yokoyama, Jpn. J. Appl. Phys., 42, Part 1, 7A (2003) pp. 4278-4281.

“First observation of formation of antiferromagnetic coupling between semiconductor quantum dots”
Antiferromagnetic coupling between quantum dots is expected to move technology further toward quantum computing.

5) “Subpicosecond exciton spin relaxation in GaN,”T. Kuroda, T. Yabushita, T. Kosuge, A. Tackeuchi, K. Taniguchi, T. Chinone, and N. Horio,Appl. Phys. Lett. 85 (2004) pp.3116-3118.

“First observation of sub-picosecond spin relaxation in semiconductors”
The wurtzite GaN was found to exhibit sub-picosecond spin relaxation.

Ti:Sapphire laser (right); quantum dots (up)




小松 進一 [教授] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.opt.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
専門分野 光物理工学研究
1972 年 早稲田大学理工学部応用物理学科卒業
1974 年 早稲田大学院理工学研究科修士課程修了
1978 年 理学博士(早稲田大学)
1980 年 早稲田大学理工学部・助教授
1985 年 早稲田大学理工学部・教授

な役割をはたしており、「21 世紀は光の時代」といわれています。





Shinichi Komatsu [Professor] dummy_photo
homepage http://www.opt.phys.waseda.ac.jp/
research field Extending Image Field Depth without Reducing Resolving Power and Light Intensity
research keywords
Wave-front Coding for Extending Depth of Field
Compact Adaptive Optics for Industrial Use
Phase Recovery of Light Wave and Blind Deconvolution
Heterodyne Laser Scanning Microscope
Dynamic Phenomena of Laser Speckle

Research Profiles (at Faculty of Science and Engineering)

Research Profiles (Elsevier SciVal Experts)

Extending Image Field Depth without Reducing Resolving Power and Light Intensity


Reducing the pupil size of an imaging lens is the most convenient way to extend the depth of field, but it inevitably results in the reduction of both the resolving power and the amount of light transmitted through the lens.
Wave-front coding (WFC) is well-known as an efficient technique for extending the depth of field without causing such inconveniences. The WFC technique requires a phase mask to modulate the pupil function of the lens as well as the corresponding post image processing for decoding. To achieve a further extension of the depth of field, we newly designed a freeform phase mask (FPM) instead of a conventional cubic phase mask (CPM). We optimized the shape of the FPM using the simulated annealing algorithm and confirmed that the optimized FPM provides a much larger focal tolerance and better final images than the CPM.The wave-front coding (WFC) system is a pupil-modulated optical system that presupposes the corresponding subsequent digital image processing, and has been extensively studied as one of the most effective means of extending the depth of field (DOF) of imaging systems. By placing a suitable phase mask (PM) in the exit pupil plane, we can obtain encoded intermediate images. After decoding the intermediate images, the WFC system may acquire various unique imaging properties. For example, if the decoded intermediate images become insensitive to defocus, only one deconvolution filter is sufficient to decode the intermediate images and obtain sharp final images irrespective of the amount of defocus, which is the basic principle of the extension of the depth of field (EDOF) using the WFC system.
The cubic phase mask (CPM) has been derived as an analytic solution that realizes the above-mentioned EDOF on the basis of wave optics using the stationary phase method.
The CPM is an analytical but approximate solution, and it is possible that other forms of phase masks provide better properties in the EDOF. Therefore we designed a freeform phase plate (FPM) whose distribution is expressed as the power series of pupil coordinates, the coefficients of which are determined by the optimization procedure based on the simulated annealing algorithm. It was shown on computer simulations that the optical transfer function (OTF) of the WFC system with the optimized FPM is less sensitive to defocus and that, compared to the CPM, the optimized FPM results in much better performance in terms of the EDOF.
The optimized FPM is fabricated by injection molding methods, and various experiments have been conducted with it to confirm that the WFC imaging system with the optimized FPM can greatly extend the depth of field of a well-corrected camera lens without causing significant artifacts, e. g., oblique fringe-like patterns that usually appear in the WFC imaging system with the conventional CPM.

Top: Output image of WFC imaging system with the optimized FPM. Object B is imaged fairly sharp in spite of being outside the depth of field.
Bottom left: Enlarged part of Object B in the upper image. The detail of hair is clearly seen.
Bottom right: Corresponding enlarged part of blurred Object B that is imaged with an ordinary imaging system without WFC.
